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Web代写 | COMPSCI 315 Web Server Workload Characterization Assignment 3 and 4

Web代写 | COMPSCI 315 Web Server Workload Characterization Assignment 3 and 4


1 Introduction

Internet traffic measurement involves collecting network data that can be analyzed for several purposes such
as traffic modeling, designing better network protocols, and traffic management. The growth in popularity
of Web in the 1990s resulted in researchers trying to characterize Web traffic. These research works have
utilized Web server logs to understand the workload characteristics of Web servers. The results of the
research has led to improving performance of Web applications, designing better caching and load balancing
techniques, and providing better user experience to clients, among other things [1, 3{5].

2 Web Server Access Logs

In this assignment, you will analyze one of two university Web server access logs [2]:

1. A campus-wide Web server at the University of Saskatchewan (UofS_access_log).

2. A department-level Web server at the University of Calgary (UofC_access_log).

The server access log contains information about all requests made to the server and the corresponding
server responses. The server log is in the fixed text-based Common Log Format and has the following syntax:
hostname – – [dd/mm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss time_zone] object response_code transfer_size

The hostname is the resolved name or IP address of the client making a request for an object stored on
the Web server. The following fields (- -) are usually empty, but may contain user-identifier information
such as username. The next field indicates the day and time the request was made along with the time zone.

The URL requested is noted in the object field. The response_code field indicates the HTTP response
code returned by the server. The transfer_size field records the bytes transferred by the server.

For example, the following is a line from the UofS_access_log: – – [15/Sep/1995:16:02:09 -0600] “GET /changes.html HTTP/1.0” 200 1254
This line represents a request made by host on September 15, 1995 at 4:02:09 p.m.
The time zone is central time (GMT-0600). The host requested the HTML file called changes.html using
HTTP version 1.0. This request was successfully completed by the server as shown by the status code 200.
The server transferred 1254 bytes to the host

Note the following about the datasets:

• UofS_access_log: This trace contains seven month’s worth of all HTTP requests to the university
Web server. The logs fully preserve the originating host and HTTP request. A local client is one
containing in the hostname or an IP address with 128.233.X.X. All others are considered
remote clients. Timestamps have 1 second resolution.

• UofC_access_log: This trace contains approximately one year’s worth of all HTTP requests to the
University of Calgary’s Department of Computer Science Web server. The hosts making requests to
the server have had their addresses removed to preserve privacy. Hosts are identified as either local
or remote where local is a host from the University of Calgary, and remote is a host from outside of
the University of Calgary domain. Paths have been removed. Files were numbered from 1 for the
first file encountered in the trace. Files retain the original file extension, so that the type of file can
be determined. Paths of the filenames have been removed. Modified filenames consist of two parts:
num.type, where num is a unique integer identifier, and type is the extension of the requested file.
Timestamps have 1 second resolution.

