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Swift代写 | INFT 3033 Assignment 2

Swift代写 | INFT 3033 Assignment 2


Freight Frenzy

The FIRST Tech Challenge is an annual robotics competition for students in years 6-12. Run internationally from September to April, teams
compete to build robots to perform a series of challenges, the rules of which change each year . They generally compete head-to-head on a 12″ by
12″ playing field, but with the emergence of COVID they also run “at home” competitions, where the teams compete virtually.

When officially competing, teams use the official scoring system – when competing “at home” that involves an online scoring app that is accessed
through their browsers, and when at face-to-face competitions teams use a complex dedicated system.

As part of the building process, teams run practice matches either as individual robots or against other teams. In these cases they need to keep
score, but the official scoring apps are not an option. Many teams have taken to producing scoring apps, but these apps tend not to be very
good, with limited functionality, mistakes in scoring, and poor design. Our goal is to build an app that is worth using.


The app should include some or all of the following features:

Splash Page

Some sort of splash page showing an image appropriate to the competition.


Users should be able to enter one (to pass) or more (for a higher grade) teams and/or robots. Teams are identified by a 5 digit number and a
team name, but can optionally include a region and a robot name. Ideally a team should be able to add a photo from the camera roll of either
their robot or their team.

In addition, for higher marks teams should be able to flag if they wish to share their team details and highest score with other teams. This will
affect the features to follow.

Enter a Score

A match is broken in to three elements, each of which has different methods of scoring.

Stage One: Autonomous

This stage lasts 30 seconds, During these 30 seconds, teams can score by:

Delivered Duck via Carousel: 10 points

Parked In Alliance Storage Unit: 3 points
Parked Completely In Alliance Storage Unit: 6 points
Parked In Warehouse: 5 points
Parked Completely In Warehouse: 10 points

Freight Completely In Alliance Storage Unit: 2 points
Freight Completely On Alliance Shipping Hub: 6 points
Autonomous Bonus:

Duck used to detect Shipping Hub Level: 10 points
Team Scoring Element used to detect Shipping Hub Level: 20 points

