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OpenGL代写|3D modelling animation

OpenGL代写|3D modelling animation

1. Introduction

The assignment will involve using modern OpenGL to render a scene. Scene graphs are required in the
modelling process and animation controls are required for a hierarchical model

2. The task

Figure 1 shows a model of a large, human-sized, anglepoise lamp, which is decorated to look like an animal. This is made up of a base, a lower arm, an upper arm, and a head, which contains a protruding lightbulb (a nose) in the shape of a cube (the details of the lighting technology used are not important). The lower arm can rotate about the base, the upper arm can rotate about the lower arm and the head can rotate about the upper arm.
The lightbulb shines in the same direction that the head is pointing in, as indicated by the dotted lines in Figure 1. Imagine the lamp is standing on a tabletop in a room looking out of a window. The lamp can also jump around the tabletop. A company is using this lamp in an advertising campaign in which they hope to sell more interesting angle-poise lamps.

Your challenge is to create this scenario.You must satisfy all the following requirements:x Produce a hierarchical model of an angle-poise lamp, made up of the four basic parts (and the lightbulb) listed above and some decorative pieces that make it look unusual.
Do not just copy the decorative pieces used in Figure 1; invent your own pieces. For example, you might add a hat or make the ears more interesting, or add some hair, or horns, or a larger nose, or a different tail or a different base.

Use simple objects for the individual parts, i.e. scaled spheres or cubes. For example, in Figure 1, the head is made from a combination of a cube for the lamp head and a cube for the bulb, with some other cubes and spheres for the decorations.

Cubes and spheres are the only pieces needed to model the lamp. The hierarchy and associated transformations are more important than the quality of the pieces in the hierarchy. I want you to demonstrate that you understand transformations and a scene graph hierarchy.x The pieces of the lamp must be texture-mapped.

3. Deliverables

You should submit a zip file containing a copy of your program code (and any other necessary resources, e.g. image files for the textures and a readme.txt file that describes everything) via MOLE – this can be done via the link to the assignment handout.

You should submit whatever you have done, even if you have not completed all the requirements – for example, you might have produced a model but not done the animation. If you submit nothing, you cannot receive any marks. The program MUST compile and run from the command line on a standard Windows PC.
You can make use of all the code that I have given you on exercise sheets. However, state that you have used it as part of your comments, and identify which bits you used

The body of the MOLE submission message should state that the work you have handed in is your own.
The name of the main class in your program should be Anilamp. That way it is easy for me to run the program. (Last year, I wasted time for some handins trying to work out which was the main class to run.) It would be useful to include an Anilamp.bat file to automatically compile and/or run the program

Optional: You might like to make a short video of your animation. If you do so, DO NOT include this in the handin as it will be too big for MOLE to handle – we tried using MOLE for this in the past and it crashed the system!! Instead, put the animation on youtube or your personal website and give the URL of the animation in a readme.txt file.

Indeed, if you are thinking of a career in the graphics industry, then you should be adding such animation pieces to your personal website (your digital portfolio) to show off what you are capable of

