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Matlab图像处理代写 | Homework #3

Matlab图像处理代写 | Homework #3


1. Process the image

using the smoothing mask

Assume a free boundary condition.

2. Discuss the effect on the gray level value of an individual pixel of repeatedly applying a 3 3 ×
smoothing mask to a digital image. You may assume that the pixel is in the interior of the
image in which case you do not need to be concerned with boundary effects.

3. By using the smoothing mask

show that a high-pass filtered image can be obtained in the spatial domain by

High-Pass = Original – Low-Pass ,

as discussed in class.

4. By using the following two 6 6 × images

show that
median median median ( ) ( ) ( ) f f f f 1 2 1 2 + ≠ + ;

i.e., the median filter is non-linear. Use a mask of the form (defined only over the black dots)

