BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


MATLAB代写 | Methodology for Calculating Your Carbon Footprint

MATLAB代写 | Methodology for Calculating Your Carbon Footprint



You have been asked by your local council to prepare a sustainability report outlining the methodology for calculating your carbon footprint as a resident of that council. Furthermore, the sustainability manager of the council has asked you to provide concrete examples and recommendations on ways for reducing your carbon footprint, and that of other residents of the council.

Note: This is an exercise to get you to engage with the technique of input-output analysis for calculation of individual footprints, and to get you thinking about ways of (and the need for!) reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If you do not wish to reveal your real spending pattern (see Part A, point 1 below), then you are free to use dummy data for the purpose of this assignment.

Your task

You have been provided with the following data files for Year 2018:

Intermediate demand matrix (T) – 345 x 345 matrix (data on 345 sectors of the Australian economy. See ‘Labels file’ for more information). The units for these data are Australian million dollars. For example, a value of 2 in a cell means 2 million Australian dollars.

Total output vector (x) – 345 x 1 vector (data on total output for 345 sectors of the Australian economy). The units for these data are Australian million dollars.

Satellite account (Q) – 1 x 345 vector (data on carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for 345 sectors of the Australian economy). The units for these data are kilotonnes.

These files are stored in two directories: MATLAB files and Excel files. Data in both directories are the same. You can complete this assignment using either the MATLAB programming software (in that case use the MATLAB files) or MS Excel (use Excel files).

You are required to undertake the following steps:


  • Collection of Expenditure Data: What do you spend money on? Collection of yearly expenditure data on various consumables (food products, electricity, fuel, transportation, clothing, furniture, services etc.).
  • Construction of final demand shopping basket vector: Map your raw expenditure data to the 345 input-output categories.
  • Calculation of CO2e footprint: Use the consumption-based footprint equation to calculate your carbon footprint.
  • Comparison of per-capita footprints: Compare your carbon footprint figure with: a) per-capita footprint of an average Australian; and b) per-capita footprints in other countries. Present your results in the form of figures/tables.
