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Matlab代写 | ENGG100 Engineering Computing and Analysis

Matlab代写 | ENGG100 Engineering Computing and Analysis




Major Group Project – Released Week 7

In this major group project, you will cement your understanding of the concepts in the dynamics component of this subject as well as develop your programming skills further in a collaborative group setting.

Your team will be randomly provided with a data file containing raw kinematics data of a person shooting a basketball. Your task, as a group, is to analyse this kinematics data by creating a MATLAB programme to first input the required data, then analyse the data using your dynamics knowledge and ultimately produce a number of plots.

You will be allocated to a group of 4 or 5 students within the same Practical class. Groups will be partially randomly allocated and will be constructed in such a way as to attempt to maximise the wide range of skills and chosen majors in the group.

It is imperative that you attend your Practical class in Week 7, so that you can meet with your team mates and decide on a suitable time for outside-of-class meetings as well as swap contact details. It is anticipated that 2 hours per week (per group member) should be dedicated to this project. As this is averaged across the entire session, it is possible that students may spend considerably more than this, in some weeks.

Once groups have been formed, a random kinematic data file will be allocated to your group via the ENGG100 Moodle page.

A basketball player is doing the shooting practice. He shoots the ball at an angle of θ degree from the horizontal direction, as shown in Figure 1. A high-speed video camera is used to record his shooting process and help him improve the shooting accuracy. When the ball goes through the hoop without touching the hoop,the video data is analysed and the positions of the ball from leaving the player’s hand to reaching the hoop are stored in a data file, which will be provided to each group in this project. Note that the hoop is 3.05 m high.

The dataset provided to your group will consist of the following data:
1) Recording id;
2) Recording date;
3) Recording time;
4) Shooting location;
5) Three sets of shooting data. Each set has three columns:

• First column: time

Major Group Project – Introduction
Group Allocation
Allocation of Datasets
Major Group Project – Detailed Specification

• Second column: horizontal distance from the centre of the hoop;
• Third column: vertical position relative to the hoop.
Figure 1 Basketball shooting( main programming tasks will involve the following major steps:

1. Determining a suitable way to read in the relevant raw data via MATLAB coding,
2. The data must be read in to your MATLAB programme and stored as structures,
3. Converting the data into a useable format for further analysis,Note that time data is recorded in seconds and all displacement data is measured in meters,
4. Analysis of the data using dynamics concepts learnt inENGG100,
5. Produce a single plot containing the horizontal displacement as a function of time from the recorded data,
6. Produce a single plot containing the vertical displacement as a function of time from the recorded data,
7. Produce a single plot of the vertical versus horizontal displacement from the recorded data,
8. Determine the initial angle θ from the recorded data,
9. Determine the initial speed v0, as marked in Figure 1, from the recorded data,
10.Determine the maximum height that the ball has reached from the recorded data.
11.Using the initial position same as the recorded data, the initial angle θ and the initial speed v0 determined in Points 8 and 9, calculate the ball positions using dynamics theories learnt in ENGG100.
12.Plot the vertical versus horizontal displacements for both recorded data and calculated data in the same figure.
13.Discuss the reasons if the difference between two plots in Point 12 is observed.
14.All required plots (Points 5, 6, 7 and 12) should be outputted as an image file (e.g. BMP, PNG,GIF, JPG) via your MATLAB coding so they can be easily inserted into your report.
Extension Problem 1 – GUI
14.You are to design a GUI which includes buttons allowing the user to select which graph(s) to display on the screen. The GUI should also be responsible for outputting the required plots as image files (in place of Point 14 above).

Important notes:

Your programme code should be sufficiently commented so that anyone can understand the process you used for analysis. Effective commenting will bemarked.

Your team, as a whole, must collectively contribute towards the overall solution to the project. It is encouraged that high-level input is obtained from all team members, particularly when considering the dynamics and mathematical concepts. A top-level overall flow-chart must also be established that clearly outlines which portions of the software are required.

Once the overview software flowchart has been agreed upon, groups should allocate various portions of the programming tasks to each member. Each member must be responsible for at least one separate script or function within the overall software solution. Commenting lines within the code should clearly identify the group member responsible for each section.

The main, top-level script file must ONLY contain a maximum of 10 statements (e.g. call to sub-scripts or functions, comment lines are excluded from this limit). Penalty Marks will be applied if you do not follow this rule.

The group must produce a report that is no more than 10 pages in length (not including the Title Page or Appendices), outlining the breakdown of the work conducted, as well as a reflection on the skills learnt in this project. A Table of Contents is NOT required. The report will be submitted in Moodle, with submission dropbox details released closer to the due date.

The report MUST include:
• An introduction to the problem and the dynamics and programming concepts required for this project,
• A mathematical description and background theory of the dynamics problems solved,
• One overall top-level flowchart for the entire software created by your group. Details of each group member’s functions will be separate, but their location should be clear on the overall flowchart.
• Individual descriptions and flowcharts for each group member’s scripts or functions (attributed to each member),
• The output plots as specified in the Detailed Specification section of this document,
• A brief discussion about the data presented in each of the plots should be included,
• Screen shots and discussion relating to the extension problems, if attempted,
• A conclusion/discussion about yourproject,
• An Appendix containing your fully commented programme and scripts/functions.

Extension Problem 2 – Advanced GUI

15.You are to incorporate into your GUI a pulldown menu which allows the user to select any data set contained in your supplied file and display the same figures as required in Points 5, 6, 7 and 12 above onto the screen. The GUI should also be responsible for giving the user the option to output the required plots as image files (in place of Point 14 above).

Splitting up the Programming Tasks

Project Report


The group reports will be marked in accordance with the following marking scheme:
Presentation of Report: (20%)
The presentation of the report is to be of professional quality. It is to be no more than 10 pages (not including the title page or appendix) and must include each of the topics detailed in the previous section. The spelling and grammar must be impeccable and diagrams must be of the quality associated with professional engineering reports.

Overview, Introduction and Dynamics Background Theory (30%)
A complete description of the mathematical background theory required for the dynamics problems must be presented. Particularly, how you performed the analysis required and what theory was required at each point in the software.

Description of Software (30%)
The report must provide a comprehensive description of the top-level software flowchart as well as a clear delineation of tasks amongst members. Each individual script or function must be well documented, and must match the top-level flowchart – with seamless integration. The program code is thoroughly commented so somebody from outside the group can easily follow the code.

Output of Graphs (15%)
The entire program must output the required plots. The outputs must be consistent with the data for the dataset allocated to the group.

Report Conclusion (5%)
Does the report conclude on the work completed? Did the report discuss clear reasons and theoretical underpinning as to why this conclusion is valid and defendable?

Extension Problem 1 – GUI (3% bonus)
If your group successfully attempts this section, it must be clearly integrated into the report in the 10 page limit.
A brief description of how the GUI works must be included in the Description of Software section of the report.
A screen capture of your GUI should also be included in your report.

Extension Problem 2 – Advanced GUI (2% bonus)
If your group successfully attempts this section, it must be clearly integrated into the report in the 10 page limit.
A brief description of how the pulldown menu works must be included in the Description of Software section of the report.

Total Marks: 100 + 5 bonus
Each individual mark will be broken up into two parts as follows:
a. A score out of 50 based on the raw group reportmark
b. A score out of 50 based on the SPARKPLUSRPF detailed on the next page (capped at 50 marks)

Major Group Project – Marking Scheme

For this year’s Major Group Project, SPARKPLUS will be used for self and peer assessment of individual contributions to group activities. SPARKPLUS allows students to rate their own contribution to group tasks and anonymously rate other group members. SPARKPLUS then produces two factors:
SA/PA factor – Gives feedback on how well the group thinks you are contributing compared to how well you think you are contributing

• SA/PA factor > 1: You rated your own performance higher than your teammates did (overrated).
• SA/PA factor < 1: You rated your own performance lower than your teammates did (underrated).

Relative Performance Factor (RPF) – Your average contribution rating compared to the average of all team members contribution ratings. The subject coordinator reserves the right to use the RPF factor to adjust individual marks for group assignments (ie. The RPF will be a multiplier above or below 1) and will be used to adjust your individual group report mark.

There will be two rounds of SPARKPLUS reporting required by every student.

Round 1

Due by Wednesday 2nd Octorber

No marks will be specifically assigned to this task. The purpose of this activity is for each group to show their progress in the equitable and fair allocation of responsibilities of the Major Group Project. Any groups deemed to be ‘disfunctional’ at this stage will be contacted by ENGG100 staff to ensure corrective measures can be implemented in the lead up to final submission.


For any students not participating at this stage, it will be assumed that you have no issues with the way your group is functioning. You will receive a rating based on your other group members.

Round 2

Due by Thursday 31stOctober (Week 13)

The purpose of this activity is for each member of a group to report the overall contributions of all members in their group (themselves included). The resulting RPF will be used to adjust your overall individual group mark based on the breakdown shown on the previous page.


For any students not participating at this stage, it will be assumed that you have no issues with the way your group functioned throughout the project. You will receive a rating based on your other group members.

If all members fail to participate at this stage, no RPF will be generated and as such the group will receive zero for this component of the report.

