Using 2D TLM find the frequency of the dominant mode of oscillation for a
rectangular cavity with length d and width a. Compare the results obtained
using your code with the analytic values and with MEFiSTo-2D. (*)
Using 2D TLM, find the frequency of the dominant resonance mode of the
shown reentrant cavity. Plot the variation of the resonant frequency with the
length L. Compare your results with that obtained using MEFiSTO-2D. (*)
A thin metallic obstacle in a parallel plate waveguide can be represented
effectively by an inductance. Using 2D TLM obtain the S parameters of the
shown circuit in Figure (a) for a=0.06 m and W=0.004m over the frequency
range (0.1-2.0GHz). Compare your results with that obtained using
MEFiSTO-2D. (**)
Utilize 2D TLM to obtain the S parameters for the shown single resonator
filter (a=0.06m, d=0.036m, W= 0.015m ) over a frequency range (3-5 GHz).
Utilize the John’s Matrix concept in constructing the ABC at the left and
right ports. Compare your results with that obtained using MEFiSTO-2D.
5) Pick any problem from (1-4) and simulate it using the 3D SCN with
the appropriate boundary conditions for the third dimension. (****)