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Matlab代写 | CMP3753M Project

Matlab代写 | CMP3753M Project


CMP3753M Project

This is Assignment 2 and is an individual assessment.
The precise nature of the artefact you produce in your project will be negotiated
between you and your supervisor. The detailing of specific requirements in this
briefing document is therefore impossible to do for all projects. This document
therefore identifies the key areas of your submission that are very likely to be
consistent for all projects, but some small variances to the requirements may be
appropriate for some project reports.
The emphasis for this assignment, as with Assignment 1, is on working independently,
with the support of a supervisor, to achieve a set aim. For Assignment 2, you should
work independently to fulfil the project goals that were set out in the Project Proposal.
Through this process, you are expected to demonstrate the application of practical
and analytical skills, innovation and/or creativity, and the synthesis of information,
ideas and practices to generate a coherent problem solution.
The generation of an artefact that represents an output from one or more stages
of the software development life cycle is a key requirement of assignment 2.
Assignment 2 takes the form of substantial written report which shows how the Project
Proposal submitted for Assignment 1 was implemented.
You should seek the support of your supervisor before submitting a project report that
does not at least present the minimum recommended structure presented in this
The format and required sections for the proposal are outlined below.
Templates for the report are supplied in Latex and Word formats. If you wish to use
other document formats, then fine, but the document must conform to the standard
outlined in the above document formats.
Please see the Criterion Reference Grid for details of how the presentation will be
The Introduction should present the main ideas that are to be examined,
developed and discussed in your project. The research questions that are to be
addressed by the project, the problem statement or the aim of the project are
key points to address here. The objectives or milestones which were planned
for the project will be useful to show here as they suggest how the project may
be structured.
5. Background and in-depth literature review.
The literature review is an essential requirement of any academic project. A
comprehensive review of the literature will provide background to the project.
This section establishes what you intended to do and shows the reader that
what you have done is the result of academic study, rather than an unfounded
whim. The literature review is where you contextualise your work with respect
to existing published literature. If you are undertaking an external project, you
should also describe the client and outline the nature of their work or business
and explain how the artefact will address the client’s needs.
6. Methodology.
This section will cover a number of sub-sections – where appropriate. Not all
projects will require every section – discuss this with your supervisor. For
example, a research-based project may not require consideration of project
management of software development issues. Your supervisor will recommend
the most appropriate structure for this section of your report. The key thing is
that you demonstrate critical awareness of all of the processes that you have
employed in your work and that for all sections needed in your report you are
presenting a justification for the methods you adopted and not just presenting a
list of methods.
a. Project Management.
Some awareness of project management should be demonstrated in all
projects. This section should outline the nature of your project and the
specific characteristics that need to be considered in determining what
project management methodology you should use. You should identify
the specific demands of your project in terms of project management
and support your rationale for the selection of a methodology with
appropriate, recent academic references.
b. Software Development.
There should be a methodological analysis of software development
approaches used. The determining factors for selection will, amongst
other things, be the particular characteristics of the software to be
developed, the nature and predisposition of the client (if applicable) and
the computer environment requirements. It is important to note that what
is NOT required here is a pedestrian account of popular software/ IS
development methodologies or a simplistic review of their strengths and
weaknesses. You are to work from the specific requirements of your
project and explain how these might determine approaches for software
/IS methodologies. Where relevant, you should give serious thought to
the proper design of research and requirements capture approaches.
This may include surveys, questionnaires and interviews. You should
identify the specific demands of your project in terms of software
development, and support your rationale for the selection of a
methodology with appropriate, recent academic references. DO NOT
produce a simple discussion of software development, or explain how
typical methodologies work – (spiral, waterfall, etc.) – your supervisor
and second marker already know this.
c. Toolsets and Machine Environments.
Toolsets refer to both software development and to project management,
so the coverage should address both. This section will outline the tools
for software development and project management process; it will make
appropriate comparisons between tools available and argue for the most
appropriate selection based on metrics, possibly a matrix diagram and
other criteria. The report will discuss possible machine environments
under which the artefact might be required to operate and through
analysis, comparison of features and possible user requirements a
determination of the chosen environment(s) will be made. You should
identify the specific demands of your project in terms of software
development and support your rationale for the selection of a
methodology with appropriate, recent academic references.
DO NOT justify the grounds for using specific toolsets and environments
simply because you know them well or have developed skills already.
This project gives you the opportunity to challenge yourself.
d. Research Methods.
If you are conducting a research-based project, you should include a
section that investigates the types of research methods necessary to
validly answer the research questions that your project addresses. You
should cite relevant sources to justify your choices.
For example: Were quantitative or qualitative research methods more
appropriate? Why? Do you need to have objective, observable data, or
subjective, self-reported data? Or a mixture of both? Should the form of
your data be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio? How do you intend
representing your results? – this will have an impact on your study
design. If you are doing an experimental analysis: What are your
independent and dependent variables? Is a between-groups or withingroups approach most appropriate? Do you need to statistically analyse
your results?
Please consult your supervisor when drawing this section up to confirm
which particular sections of a methodology applies in the context of your
7. Design, Development and Evaluation.
This section of the report will vary significantly in both structure and content,
depending on the type of project you are undertaking. For example, a Games
project may include a Game Design Document. However, it must be noted that
if your project contains significant software development work, this should be
presented in the structure expected of a formal development report. If your
project involves experimental evaluation or research, you are expected to write
this work up in the format expected of a scientific research report. Some
projects will include both software development and experimental evaluation. In
this case, you are expected to discuss both procedures with sufficient detail. It
is perfectly acceptable (some would say recommended) that images relating to
your artefact be presented in this section.
a. Software development projects.
For projects that involve significant software development components, it
is expected that you discuss:
i. Requirements elicitation, collection and analysis
ii. Design
iii. Building or coding
iv. Testing
v. Operation
b. Research projects.
For projects that include primary research components it is expected that
you present this work in a manner appropriate to a scientific report.
i. Methods: details of the data and techniques you’ll be developing
and applying;
ii. Results: written descriptions of your findings, supported by figures
and tables;
iii. Discussion: a more in-depth discussion of your findings, in the
wider context of the existing literature.
8. Project Conclusion.
This section is where you report your findings, along with the answer(s) to any
research question(s) you may have posed in your introduction. The conclusion
should be understandable not only by the person who writes it, but by the
person who just wants to have the general picture of the work and its results. It
is very important to base your conclusions upon issues that have been raised in
your introduction, and then investigated in your methodology and evaluation. In
the introduction, the author of the work presents the main ideas that are to be
examined, developed and discussed in the project. Therefore, in the conclusion
the necessary responses to the questions or problems or requirements listed in
the introduction are shown and discussed. Therefore, the structure of the
conclusion in a project is governed by the structure of introduction.

