BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


Linux代写 | CS429 Assignment 1: Linux Bootcamp

Linux代写 | CS429 Assignment 1: Linux Bootcamp




The purpose of this assignment is to get you set up on the Linux machines for remote development, as the ability to access and use the lab machines will be critical to you this semester. You will also be setting up the directories necessary for the semester, using simple Linux commands to solve complex tasks, and getting familiar with the Linux environment overall.

Details of the assignment

1 Download and preparation

On your local machine, download the file linux_bootcamp.tar3 from the Assignment 1: LB folder of the Files tab in the Canvas page for the class. Then use the scp command to copy the file over
to your account on a lab machine.

For this assignment, you will also need to create a new repository in your GitHub account. Follow the instructions here. Create a new repository, name it Linux-Bootcamp, and mark it private. Follow the steps to set up the repository using an existing repository, running the commands in the bootcamp directory.

2 Part A: Remote workspace set-up

Your first task is to set up a standard workspace4 structure in your account on the lab machines. Do all of the following work remotely (i.e., typing commands at the remote prompt while connected to the lab machines via ssh). You will need to get familiar with basic Linux commands first; see Section 8.1.

1. Create the following directories, where each number within the bracket is a separate directory:


2. Set the permission bits on each directory to make sure you can only you can read from and write to the directories.

3. Run git init in ˜/cs429/projects/proj1.

4. Run the command ls -lrR ˜/cs429 > ˜/cs429/projects/proj1/partA.txt.

5. Add and commit the file partA.txt.

3 Part B: I/O redirection problem

By convention, Linux commands read input from the stream stdin (think in Java), write output to the stream stdout, and write error messages to the stream stderr. However, the Linux envi-ronment provides two handy mechanism to change these defaults.

 I/O redirection: An input redirection (typed as <) makes a command read its input from a specified file rather than from the default stdin. An output redirection (typed as >) makes a command write its output to a specified file rather than to the default stdout. Thus, pwd > output.txt writes its output of the pwd command into the file output.txt.

 Pipes: A pipe (typed in as | to the remote shell) connects (“pipes”, “redirects”) the output stream of one command to the input stream of the next command. For example, the command cat file.txt | grep “hello” lists all instances of the string hello within the file file.txt.
(You could also do this with the command grep “hello” < file.txt.)

These two mechanisms allow one to chain multiple commands into a larger command, linking together several simpler Linux commands to solve a complex task.

Move the file linux_bootcamp.tar in the ˜/cs429/projects/proj1 directory, and then unpack it using the tar command. Now, using I/O redirection, pipes, and the Linux commands cat,grep, and wc, find the number of times the word INFO (case-sensitive) occurs in the file log.txt.

1. Put the command in the file ˜/cs429/projects/proj1/partB.txt.

2. Append the result of running the command to the same file.

3. Add and commit this file.

If you want to attempt a trickier example (for fun), try producing a sorted list of the unique file extensions in the current directory, with a count of each type, and sorting the extensions by count from highest to lowest.

You will need the commands ls, rev, cut, rev, sort, and uniq.

