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Java代写|CS 640 Introduction to Computer Networks Assignment 2

Java代写|CS 640 Introduction to Computer Networks Assignment 2




For this assignment, you will implement the forwarding behavior of a switch and a router. Recall that a switch forwards packets based on MAC address, and a router forwards packets based on IP address.

Environment Setup

This will be the same set up you used for assignment 1.

Option 1: Use a CSL machine for Part 1, and ssh into mininet VM for Part 2.

To run Mininet, you will use the mininet VMs which have already been assigned to you by the course staff. You have one VM per group.

Please connect yourself to the CS departmental VPN. before connecting to your VM. You and your partner should have already received a password from us, which will be your credential when SSH into the VM. This password is shared in your group only, and works only on the VM you are assigned. When you connect via SSH, you may include the -X option to tunnel X11 (i.e., graphics) over SSH, assuming you have a X11 server running locally. For example if you are assigned VM mininet-99:

ssh -X

You will need to have X11 installed on the machine from which you are connecting. On a personal machine, you can install Xming on Windows, XQuartz on Mac OS, or any graphical environment /desktop environment on Linux to get X11. You should only need X11 to run xterms in Mininet. For editing files now is the opportune time to learn a text editor that doesn’t require a GUI! Vim and emacs are the most popular ones.

To transfer files to/from your VM, you may use scp or rsync. See man pages for scp and rsync or find a tutorial online for detailed instructions. You could also use a version control system, such as Git or Subversion, and checkout a copy of the repository in your VM. If you opt to use a version control system, please make sure you don’t inadvertently allow others (other than your group members) to access your work.

Option 2: Download the VM image, and import it into VirtualBox installed on your own PC.
Given the COVID-19 situations, physical building access may be difficult. If you have issue accessing your VM or the VPN isn’t working out for you, you may also download a preconfigured system image from here. (Warning: 3.2GB download, 10GB decompressed). The image can be launched locally in VirtualBox – a virtualization software available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS that you may install on your personal computer. The image will have the same setup as the VM with the only addition of a graphical environment for your convenience. The instructions for assignments also work exactly the same on your local VirtualBox as the CS VM assigned to you.

FYI: The machine is configured to auto-login and you will not be prompted for password from sudo.

The password for the mininet user is user, and root for the root user. Feel free to change them if you wish.

