BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


IT代写|Data Driven Web Tech Assignment 2

IT代写|Data Driven Web Tech Assignment 2



Task 1 – /Home/Index: Displaying and Searching the Auction Catalogue Database [25%]

The Index page should list the current (future) and past catalogues in order of newest to oldest. The catalogues should also include a filter for catalogue type (specialty, estate etc).You will need to determine the best method to achieve this given the limited number of categories.

When no search parameters are provided, all catalogues should be displayed in order of date,then by catalogue name. This will change to only show matching catalogues as when a specific category is selected. As part of your design, you will need to determine what layout will look best to achieve this and use only bootstrap classes to construct your page and position the elements.Marks will be awarded based on the quality of the search implementation, the complexity of the user interface as well as demonstrating a good implementation of bootstrap by making good use of the documentation and the many class styles available. Where a colour/size is not desired, you must use the Site.css file to create a matching override for the bootstrap class you want to modify. However, you should first utilise the many bootstrap utilities such as sizing.

Task 2 – /Home/Catalogue: Displaying Lot Data [25%]

Clicking on a catalogue from the index page should navigate the user to the list of Lots available from the auction catalogue. This will include: Lot No, title, price range and a small image. If the lot has already been sold then this should be clearly visible including the final sale price. In addition, the list will need to be searchable via keyword that searches both the lot title and description for matching lots. When no matches are found, then you should indicate this to the user (eg, show the words “No matching lots found”). Always show the lots in ascending order of lot number, even during a keyword search. At the bottom of the page should be a button to return the user to the list of available catalogues in Task 1. Also, the users should have option to allow sellers to register their catalogues. This option should lead users to /Home/ CataRegister Page.

Task 3 – /Home/Lot: Displaying the Lot Data [20%]

When the user clicks on a lot from the catalogue, the selected lot including ALL its details should appear on this page. This includes the Lot number, title, range, description, image(s) and status. To complete this task successfully, you will need to work out how to write the @razor code to display one or many images depending on the lot selected.

Task 4 – /Home/CataRegister [20%]

This page should allow new sellers to register a new catalogue they want. It should capture all the information about the sellers and required catalogues information.

Task 5 – HTML Validation [10%]

The last 10% of your marks will be awarded based on the accuracy and validity of your html.

Make sure that your dynamic pages generate HTML with all the required attributes and that your elements are nested correctly.

The Web Application

A web application containing the necessary database and MVC Views has already been created for you. This can be downloaded from the assessments tab on the course website.

Your task is to complete the Views/Home/Index, Views/Home/Catalogue,Vews/Home/CataRegister, and Views/Home/Lot view pages with the necessary layout using the WebMatrix data library, HTML, bootstrap v4.6 and @Razor code.

Start by working on the Index page and getting the catalogues to show. You will need to determine the best layout to present the catalogues to our website users. Once this is working,start implementing the more difficult features such as searching/filtering.

Once you have your list working, decide how to implement the navigation to the Catalogue page and so on.


Marks will be allocated in the following areas:

  • Home/Index Catalogue Search [25%]
  • Appropriate Detail displayed
  • Presentation and demonstrated in-depth use of bootstrap documentation(making use of various classes).
  • Code quality to show data on page
  • Quality of user interface and search functionality
  • Home/Catalogue Lot listing and search [25%]
  • Appropriate Detail displayed• Presentation and demonstrated in-depth use of bootstrap documentation(making use of various classes).
  • Quality of user interface and search functionality
  • Home/Lot detailed view [20%]
  • Appropriate Detail displayed
  • Presentation of data
  • Code quality
  • Home/CataRegister view [20%]
  • Appropriate Detail displayed
  • Presentation of forms
  • Code quality
  • HTML Validation [10%]
  • HTML Validation – is your generated HTML valid and appropriate?

Please Note, if the pages you created are identical to the example showed above, then the maximum marks you can obtain will be Pass. If you are aiming at the higher marks, please have your own design and utilise the site.css file.


You can insert some dummy data into your database for displaying purpose.

Database Design:

Below is the simplified auction database structure that has been implemented. You will need to use your knowledge of UML and database design to determine how the tables should be joined to reconstruct the necessary information for each of the tasks.

