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OpenMP编程分配代写|COMP3221 Parallel Computation Coursework 1

OpenMP编程分配代写|COMP3221 Parallel Computation Coursework 1



  1. Assignment guidance

A student is trying to implement a stack in C, that is, a LIFO (‘last in fifirst out’) data container. To help develop their implementation, the student has started on a simple stack that stores items of type int, held in a global array int *stack of size maxStackSize, with the current size of the stack given by the global variable stackSize. Memory for this array is allocated in the routine allocateStack, and freed by finaliseStack. To help with debugging, there is a routine displayStack that prints the current stack.

In the current version of the code, square numbers n2 starting from n = 1 are added to the stack in serial, using the routine pushToStack. The student wishes to implement 3 further routines: one to ‘pop’ values from the top of the stack; one to invert the stack;and one to rotate the stack down to a given depth (see below). To help with testing,the code currently expects 5 command line arguments:

./cwk1 20 10 5 0 0

where in this example:

  1. The fifirst command line argument (20 in the example above) is the maximum stack size, maxStackSize in the code.
  1. The second argument (10 above) is the number of values to push to the stack initially, initStackSize in the code.
  1. The third argument (5 above) is the number of values to be popped from the initial stack, numToPop in the code.
  1. If the fourth argument is 1, the stack should be inverted (see below). 0, as in the example above, denotes no inversion. The corresponding variable in the code is invertYesNo.
  1. The fififth argument is the depth of rotation (see below); code variable rotateDepth.

If this is zero, as in the example, there is no rotation.

After allocating memory for the stack based on maxStackSize, operations 2–5 should be performed in the order given above. To help with debugging, the current state of the stack is printed out after the initial addition of values (point 2 in the list above),and again at the very end.

Inverting the stack means reversing the order of the entire stack, so that the item at the top of the stack changes places with the item at the bottom, the item second from the top changes places with the item second from the bottom, etc. Rotating the stack is slightly more subtle. If the specifified rotation depth is greater than zero, then the stack element placed rotateDepth below the top of the stack should be moved to the top, with other items being moved down by one. Stack entries more than rotateDepth from the top of the stack are not affffected. A serial implementation of this is provided.

  1. Assessment tasks

The current version of the code is provided on Minerva as two fifiles, cwk1.c and cwk1 extra.h, plus a makefifile. Download the code, compile using the provided make-fifile, and execute as per the example given above. Inspect the code until you are happy you understand how it works.

Your fifirst two tasks are to parallelise the loops that push and pop items to and from the stack, and then make the associated routines thread-safe.

  1. In the main function in cwk1.c, there is a loop that calls pushToStack a total of initStackSize times. Make this loop parallel, and modify the provided pushToStack method so that it is thread-safe. It does not matter if the order in which items are added to the stack in parallel is difffferent to the serial code, but each item should appear exactly once. You should not assume initStackSize ≤ maxStackSize.
  1. The following loop calls popFromStack a total of numToPop times. Parallelise this loop, and implement a thread-safe pop method in popFromStack. You may assume that numToPop≤in it Stack Size.

Note that you do not need to return the value that was at the top of the stack,just remove it.

The routines to invert and rotate the stack require potentially large loops to be implemented. Therefore, your fifinal two tasks are to improve performance by implementing parallel loops for both of these tasks.

  1. Implement a parallel loop in invertStack that inverts the stack as described above.
  1. Implement a parallel rotateStack that rotates the stack as described above. A serial version is provided in cwk1.c to get you started.

Note that, unlike the fifirst two tasks, the routines invertStack and rotateStack will not be called from a parallel context, and so do not need to be thread-safe.

For all tasks, your parallel implementation should be as effiffifficient as possible using the material up to and including Lecture 6. You do not need to use any material (e.g.locks) from Lecture 7, to receive full marks.

The current implementation is provided on Minerva as three fifiles:

cwk1.c: The current serial implementation.

cwk1 extras.h: Contains the data structures, and routines to initialise,print and destroy the set. Do not modify this fifile; it will be replaced with a difffferent version for assessment.

makefile: A simple makefifile (usage optional).

You are required to use unaltered versions of the data structures and routines in cwk1 extras.h, but are free to add new routines to cwk1.c. It is envisaged that you will only edit this one fifile, but if you do add more fifiles, ensure you amend the makefifile following the instructions it contains.

  1. General guidance and study support

If you have any queries about this coursework, visit the Teams page for this module. If your query is not resolved by previous answers, post a new message. Support will also be available during the timetabled lab sessions.

  1. Assessment criteria and marking process

Your code will be checked using an autograder on Gradescope to test for functionality.

Staffff will then inspect your code the allocate the marks as per the mark scheme (see below).

  1. Submission requirements

Submission is via Gradscope.

You should fifirst test your submission on the Coursework 1: Check Submission portal, which will check your submission compiles on the test machine and report back immediately. Only once you pass all of these checks should you submit your solution to Coursework 1: Final Submission for assessment.

If you have only edited cwk1.c, submit only this fifile.

If you have added extra fifiles, ensure they are all in a flflat directory (i.e. do not use subdirectories) and that the makefifile has been suitably amended. Submit all fifiles including the new makefifile.

Do not modify cwk1 extras.h, or copy any of the content to another fifile and then modify. In particular, you must use the data structures as provided, and the routine displayStack() must be called at the same points in the program as the initial code.

  1. Academic misconduct and plagiarism

Academic integrity means engaging in good academic practice. This involves essential academic skills, such as keeping track of where you fifind ideas and information and referencing these accurately in your work.

By submitting this assignment you are confifirming that the work is a true expression of your own work and ideas and that you have given credit to others where their work has contributed to yours.

Code similarity tools will be used to check for collusion, and online source code sites will be checked.

  1. Assessment/marking criteria

There are 15 marks in total.

5 marks: Correct functionality of all operations.

4 marks: Thread-safe implementation of pop and push routines.

6 marks: Parallel implementation of invertStack and rotateStack.

