BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


数据库作业代写|COIS-3380 Database Assignment Soccer League – Part 1

数据库作业代写|COIS-3380 Database Assignment Soccer League – Part 1



Most applications that create a product, like a document, allow you to create and work with the item and name it later when you save or exit. Databases must be named and placed in the desired folder when they are first created. The only time you will be prompted to save something is when designing or modifying database objects (e.g., tables, forms, queries, and reports) but NOT when you are adding or changing data or when you exit Access.

Create a new (blank) Microsoft Access database named just “Soccer”. Create the following tables with the exact names and structures shown with the primary keys as first field of each table. Fields with validation rules must also have suitable validation text. Field properties listed below must be set as indicated. To obtain help about a field property, click within the property box and press the F1 key – read the help related to the property and use the examples provided.

Teams table:

Field Name Data Type Field Properties

Team ID Number

Primary key, field size = Integer, no decimal places, required

Validation rule requires it to be >= 0

(Info only: team 0 is for “unassigned” coaches & players later)

Validation text with meaningful message

Team Name Short Text Field size = 15, required, cannot be 0 length

Color Short Text Field size = 15, required, cannot be 0 length

Mascot Short Text Field size = 15, not required

Gender Short Text

Field size = 1, required, cannot be 0 length, force uppercase

Validation rule allows only:

F, M, or C (meaning female-only, male-only, or coed)

Validation text with meaningful message

Age Bracket Number

Field size = Byte, required, no decimal places, default value 0

Validation rule allows only the values 0, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20

Validation text with meaningful message

After creating each of the above three tables, perform the following additional tasks:

  1. Create a default or basic form for each table by selecting the table and using the “Form” button on the Create ribbon. After Access creates the form, save it with the default name, and then open it in design view and make sure labels and text boxes are sized properly. Short fields shouldn’t have large text boxes.

Both labels and textboxes must be large enough to properly display entire contents. The form must have a title at the top. You can receive BONUS points by making the form more appealing or useful.

  1. Use the appropriate form to enter the sample data shown on the next page into the appropriate table.

Note: the primary key ID numbers will be automatically generated except for the Teams table. If you can’t enter the data properly, you may have an error in the validation rule for that field.

  1. Open each table in datasheet view and “best-fit” all columns to fully display data and field names. Save the table layout when closing table.


大多数创建产品(如文档)的应用程序允许您创建和使用该项目,并在稍后保存或退出时为其命名。 首次创建数据库时,必须对其进行命名并放置在所需的文件夹中。 系统只会在设计或修改数据库对象(例如表、表单、查询和报告)时提示您保存某些内容,但不会在您添加或更改数据或退出 Access 时提示您保存内容。

创建一个新的(空白)Microsoft Access 数据库,仅命名为“Soccer”。 使用显示的确切名称和结构创建以下表,并将主键作为每个表的第一个字段。 具有验证规则的字段还必须具有合适的验证文本。 下面列出的字段属性必须按照指示进行设置。 要获取有关字段属性的帮助,请在属性框内单击并按 F1 键 – 阅读与属性相关的帮助并使用提供的示例。


字段名称 数据类型 字段属性

团队 ID 号


验证规则要求它 >= 0

(仅供参考:第 0 队适用于稍后“未分配”的教练和球员)


团队名称短文本字段大小 = 15,必填,不能为 0 长度

颜色短文本字段大小 = 15,必需,长度不能为 0

吉祥物短文本字段大小 = 15,不需要




F、M 或 C(表示仅限女性、仅限男性或男女同校)



字段大小 = Byte,必填,无小数位,默认值 0

验证规则仅允许值 0、6、8、10、12、16、20



通过选择表格并使用“创建”功能区上的“表格”按钮,为每个表格创建默认或基本表格。 Access 创建表单后,使用默认名称保存它,然后在设计视图中打开它,并确保标签和文本框的大小正确。 短字段不应有大文本框。

标签和文本框都必须足够大才能正确显示整个内容。 表格顶部必须有标题。 通过使表格更具吸引力或更有用,您可以获得奖励积分。


注意:除 Teams 表外,主键 ID 号将自动生成。 如果您无法正确输入数据,则该字段的验证规则可能有错误。

在数据表视图中打开每个表并“最佳拟合”所有列以完整显示数据和字段名称。 关闭表格时保存表格布局。

