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C++代写 | OS代写 | CS 444/544 OS II Lab Session 8

C++代写 | OS代写 | CS 444/544 OS II Lab Session 8



CS 444/544 OS II

Lab Session #8

Concurrency Lab #2

Fork Concurrency Lab 2

• Go to

• Click fork
• Set visibility: Private

Clone your lab

• On flip1,2,3 or os1 or 2
• git clone[your-gitlab-id]/concurrency2.git

• This will generate a directory ‘concurrency2’ • Copy your c1.c to concurrency2 directory

Some commands

• make
• Will build all test programs

• make grade
• Will run all tests with grading script

• make clean
• Remove all files. You can build all by running ‘make’ again


Check 2

Copy your c1.c to the repository

Check 3


• Please resolve ‘deadlock’ in thread_func_0 and 1


• Please resolve ‘deadlock’ in thread_func_0 and 1


• Please resolve ‘deadlock’ in thread_func_0 and 1


• Please resolve ‘deadlock’ in thread_func_0 and 1

How to Remove No Preemption

Release the lock if obtaining a resource fails…

    if (trylock(B) == -1) {

goto top; }

Can’t acquire B, then Release A!


• Please use _xchg() as trylock()
• if (xchg() == 1), you failed to acquire the lock • if (xchg() == 0), you have acquired the lock

• Algorithm
• Acquire l0

• Try Acquire l1
• If acquired, great!
• If not acquired, release l0, and go back to the first step


  • DO NOT use lock at this time..
  • Please use _cmpxchg (lock cmpxchg, an atomic operation) toincrement counter values…
  • Thread 0 increments the counter by 1
  • Thread 1 increments the counter by 2

How to Remove Mutual Exclusion

• Do not use lock
• Use atomic operations instead

• Replace locks with atomic primitives
• compare_and_swap(uint64_t *addr, uint64_t prev, uint64_t value); • if *addr == prev, then update *addr = value;
• lock cmpxchg in x86..

void add (int *val, int amt) { Mutex_lock(&m);

*val += amt; Mutex_unlock(&m);

int old = *value;
} while(!CompAndSwap(val, old, old+amt);


void add (int *val, int amt) { do {


A simple thread-safe array (array.c)

• Two or more threads will use an array (or more)
• Their use must be synchronized to get a consistent result


• Two threads, each inserts 300,000 items to the array a.

• Expected result: 600,000 items


• One thread adds 300,000 items • The other thread removes

300,000 itmes
• Expected Result: 0 items…


  • One thread returns an array that contains the first half of the element in the array
  • The other thread removes 300,000 itmes
  • Expected Result: getting first 150,000 items


  • One thread returns a concatenated array of two arrays..
  • One other thread removes 300,000 items from a
  • One other thread removes 300,000 items from b
  • The other threads inserts 300,000 items to c
  • Expected Result: a = 0, b = 0, c = 900,000


• Change the implementation of struct Array

• Place locks if required

• Implement nolock functions if required • E.g., nolock_insert

