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C++代写 | ECE 4122/61(32002pts)Final Project Section

C++代写 | ECE 4122/61(32002pts)Final Project Section

ECE 4122/61(32002pts)Final Project  
9313 – ECE 4122 – A  
9314 – ECE 6122 – A  
9340 – ECE 6122 – Q  
9706 – ECE 6122 – QSZ  
Due Date  
Dec 3 , 2019 by 11:59 PM  
Dec 3 , 2019 by 11:59 PM  
Dec 3 , 2019 by 11:59 PM  
Dec 3 , 2019 by 11:59 PM  
You can write, debug and test parts of your code locally on your personal computer. However, the  
code you submit must compile and run correctly on the PACE-ICE server.  
Submitting the Assignment:  
See Appendix C.  
Grading Rubric  
Percentage Deduction  
Does Not Compile  
Code does not compile on PACE-ICE!  
Does Not Execute as  
expected and/or Output  
is wrong format  
The code compiles but does not produce  
correct outputs or does not execute as  
UAVs flight paths are incorrect.  
UAVs shape/color is wrong.  
Clear Self-Documenting  
Coding Styles  
This can include incorrect indentation, using  
unclear variable names, unclear/missing  
comments, or compiling with warnings. (See  
Appendix A)  
Late Deduction Function  
score –  
H = number of hours (ceiling function) passed deadline  
note : Sat/Sun count as one day; therefore H = 0.5*Hweekend  
GaTech Buzzy Bowl  
The company you work for has been selected to develop a half-time show using UAVs. You  
need to develop a 3D simulation using MPI and OpenGL to demo the show to the game  
organizers for their approval.  
Below is a description of the show that you will be creating with a 3D simulation.  
) The show is made up of 15 UAVs that are placed on the football field at the 0, 25, 50, 25,  
0 yard-lines as shown below by the red dots.  
) The UAVs remain on the ground for 5 seconds after the beginning of the simulation.  
) After the initial 5 seconds the UAVs then launch from the ground and go towards the  
point (0, 0, 50 m) above the ground with a maximum velocity of 2 m/s  
) As they approach the point, (0, 0, 50 m), they began to fly in random paths along the  
surface of a virtual sphere of radius 10 m while attempting to maintain a speed between  
to 10 m/s.  
) The simulation ends once all of the UAV have come within 10 m of the point, (0, 0, 50  
m), and the UAVs have flown along the surface for 60 seconds.  
) Each UAV has the following  
a. Each UAV has a mass of 1 kg and is able to generate a single force vector with a  
total magnitude of 20 N in any direction.  
b. Each UAV it just small enough to fix in a 1-m cube bounding box.  
c. The color of your UAV is determined using the first letter of your last name:  
d. The shape of your UAV is determined by the first letter of your first name:  
Sphere A,K,T  
Cube B,L,U  
Cone C,M,V  
Torus D,N,W  
Dodecahedron E,0,X  
Octahedron F,P,Y  
Tetrahedron H,Q,Z  
Icosahedron I,R  
Teapot J,S  
) You must develop a MPI application using 16 processes. The main process (rank = 0) is  
responsible for rendering the 3D scene with the 15 UAVs and a green (RGB=(0,255,0))  
rectangle representing the football field in a 400 x 400 window. You will get 5 extra  
bonus points for using a bitmap file called ff.bmp in the same location as the executable  
to apply a football field texture to the rectangle. The other 15 processes are each  
responsible for controlling the motion of a single UAV.  
) The main process gathers the location and velocity vector of each UAV every 100 msec  
and immediately broadcasts this information to all the UAV processes, and updates the  
D scene.  
) The coordinate system of the 3D simulation is define as flows: The origin is location in  
the center of the football field at ground level. The positive z axis points straight up, and  
the x axis is along the width of the field and the y axis is along the length.  
0) A camera location, orientation, and field of view should be used so that the whole  
football field and the virtual 10m sphere is in the view.  
1) The flight of the UAV is controlled by the following kinematic rules  
a. The force vector created by the UAV plus the force of gravity (10 N in the  
negative z direction) determine the direction of acceleration for the UAV.  
b. Use Newton’s 2 Law to determine the acceleration of the UAV in each  
c. Use the equations of motion for constant acceleration in each direction (xyz) to  
determine the location and velocity of the UAV every 100 msec.  
= + +2  
= + ꢉ  
d. You can use any method you want to maintain the UAVs flight path along the  
surface of the 10m radius virtual sphere. One possible method to consider is to  
use a variation of Hooke’s Law simulating a virtual spring between the surface of  
the sphere and the radial distance of the UAV from the center of the sphere.  
where D is the distance from the UAV to the center of the sphere. And the  
direction of is along the normalized vector from the UAV to the sphere center.  
The value of k can be varied to bind the UAV tighter to the surface.  
2) If the bounding boxes of two UAVs come within 1 cm of each other an elastic collision  
occurs. For simplicity we are going to model the UAVs as point objects and the UAVs  
will just swap initial velocity vectors for the next time step:  
1 =2  
2 =1  
ECE6122 Students:  
The magnitude of the color of your UAV should oscillate between full and half color throughout  
the simulation. The RGB values of your color should decrease by one every 20 time steps until it  
reaches 128 and then increase by one every 20 time steps until it reach 255. Example below:  
Red : (255,0,0), (254,0,0)…(128,0,0), (129,0,0)…(255,0,0)  
Compiling and running your code:  
Compile your code using  
module load mesa gcc mvapich2  
mpic++ *.cpp –lGLU –lglut –std=c++11  
To run our code you will need to create an interactive session with 16 processes either using the  
remote VNC setup or using an X11 server as covered in class.  
In the folder where your executable is located, execute the following commands:  
module load mesa gcc mvapich2  
mpirun -np 16 ./name_of_your_exectable  
In a few seconds, a window should appear displaying your OpenGL rendering.  
Appendix A: Coding Standards  
When using if/for/while statements, make sure you indent 4 spaces for the content inside those. Also  
make sure that you use spaces to make the code more readable.  
For example:  
for (int i; i < 10; i++)  
j = j + i;  
If you have nested statements, you should use multiple indentions. Each { should be on its own line (like  
the for loop) If you have else or else if statements after your if statement, they should be on their own  
for (int i; i < 10; i++)  
if (i < 5)  
k -= i;  
k +=1;  
j += i;  
Camel Case:  
This naming convention has the first letter of the variable be lower case, and the first letter in each new  
word be capitalized (e.g. firstSecondThird). This applies for functions and member functions as well! The  
main exception to this is class names, where the first letter should also be capitalized.  
Variable and Function Names:  
Your variable and function names should be clear about what that variable or function is. Do not use one  
letter variables, but use abbreviations when it is appropriate (for example: “imag” instead of  
imaginary”). The more descriptive your variable and function names are, the more readable your code  
will be. This is the idea behind self-documenting code.  
File Headers:  
Every file should have the following header at the top  
Author: <your name>  
Class: ECE4122 or ECE6122  
Last Date Modified: <date>  
What is the purpose of this file?  
Code Comments:  
. Every function must have a comment section describing the purpose of the function, the input  
and output parameters, the return value (if any).  
. Every class must have a comment section to describe the purpose of the class.  
. Comments need to be placed inside of functions/loops to assist in the understanding of the flow  
of the code.  
Appendix B: Submitting Assignment  
Step-By-Step Submitting a Tar.gz  
PLEASE NOTE: All the following instructions are run on PACE. If you are struggling with any of the steps,  
please come see the TAs during office hours. Better to start and test early than wait until the last  
Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create the .tgz file for the Final Project for ECE 4122/6122.  
Additionally, if you do not use a header file for a solution, you do not need to submit a header file.  
Please adjust these instructions accordingly. The tarball should contain a folder with your buzzid  
containing a subfolder for the problem with the corresponding .cpp, .h files, and any texture files.  
Please make sure that the problem is in a subfolder with the naming conventions:  
Create a subdirectory named buzzid in the current working directory by executing the following  
command in the shell:  
mkdir buzzed  
Create a text file named manifest.  
Please make sure that the manifest file is a plain text file and not a rich text file. Microsoft word will  
generate a rich text file. The easiest method to create a plain text file is to use a command line editor  
such as vi, vim, or nano.  
If you want a tutorial, these can be useful: vi:  
Populate the manifest file with the following:  
buzzid/<FirstName_LastName>_ FinalProj /*.cpp  
buzzid/<FirstName_LastName>_ FinalProj /*.h  
buzzid/<FirstName_LastName>_ FinalProj /*.bmp  
will grab all the .cpp and .h files you generated for each problem.)  
PLEASE NOTE: this is subject to change with depending on your class section. The wildcard (*) character  
Now you need to construct the correct file structure for the submission. This means that you need to  
put all the homework files into your buzzid folder. Execute the following lines in the shell:  
cp -a <FirstName_LastName>_* buzzid  
Many people have had issue with this step. You need to make sure the naming conventions are  
consistent to avoid potential problems.  
It is now time to tarball your submission. If all the other steps have gone smoothly execute the following  
tar -zcvf buzzidFinalProj.tgz $(cat manifest)  
You can now check the new tgz file just generated with the following command:  
tar -ztvf buzzidFinalProj.tgz  
