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C语言汇编代写 | CS 211 Computer Architecture Programming Assignment 5: Bomblab

C语言汇编代写 | CS 211 Computer Architecture Programming Assignment 5: Bomblab



CS 211 Computer Architecture Programming Assignment 5: Bomblab

1 Assignment Introduction

This assignment is designed to give you some experience with reading Assembly. You will be
defusing a binary “bomb” by analyzing the given assembly and entering the corrept inputs to
defuse the phases of the bomb.

2 Bomblab

In this assignment, you will be given a binary bomb. There will be 6 phases. Each phase will
require a speci c input(s) in order to defuse that phase and move on to the next phase. The bomb
will be considered defused when all 6 phases have been defused. In order to defuse the bomb you
will have to analyze the assembly code both before and during runtime. Before runtime you can
use the following command to inspect the contents of the bomb.

objdump -d bomb

In order to inspect the bomb during runtime you will have to use the debugger. You can use the
following command to run the debugger on the bomb.
gdb bomb

Use a combination of these tools and other commands to nd the proper solution to the bomb.

You can run the bomb with a txt le as a parameter. Doing so will consecutively pass 1 line at a
time from your text le to each consecutive phase of the bomb. Your text le should be called:

Structure of your submission

Your submission for this assignment will only consist of your

which should contain the inputs that di use each phase of your bomb.

