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C语言代写 | TCSS 422: Operating Systems Assignment 1

C语言代写 | TCSS 422: Operating Systems Assignment 1


TCSS 422: Operating Systems Assignment 1

The purpose of this assignment is to use the fork, wait, and exec commands to write a simple Linux shell.
This shell, called “mash” will **MASH** three Linux command requests together and run them against
the same input file in parallel (i.e. at the same time). The user will provide three distinct Linux
commands with arguments, and a single filename to operate on. The mash shell will **mash** the
requests together executing each command separately against the file.

For this program, implement your mash shell using the fork, exec, and wait commands.

The following limitations will apply:

1. User commands plus arguments will not exceed 255 characters

2. The filename will not exceed 255 characters. The file will either be in the local directory, or the
user will provide a fully qualified path name which is 255 characters or less.
The mash shell is not responsible for finding the input file.

3. All commands provided to “mash” will run using the user’s original path.
Type “echo $PATH” to see the current path variable setting.
The mash shell is not responsible for finding the command file to run.

4. For each command, the maximum number of arguments including the command itself will not
exceed 5. This equates to 4 command arguments, plus the command, for a total of 5 inputs.


5. On the event that a user makes a mistake typing a command or its arguments, mash will simply
fail to run the command. A simple error should be shown, but only if the exec fails.

6. Mash does not accept command line arguments. Running mash requests 3 commands (plus
arguments) and a file name interactively from the user.

7. To execute the “mash” of commands as fast as possible, mash should execute commands in
parallel using separate processes. Consequently, the commands may complete out of order.

** Extra credit-2: DISPLAY OUTPUT SORTED BY PROCESS COMPLETION: capture the output from
each command to a temporary file, and display the output for each command in the same order
as requested by the user. Use file redirection as shown in the example in class. Capture the
output of each command’s STDOUT file stream to a separate temporary file on disk. Read the
temporary files to then regenerate the command output in the correct order. Once results are
display to the screen temporary files should be deleted. **

File redirection example:

To test mash, a number of commands may be used. Here are some possible commands to test your
mash shell:

“wc” Reports the line count, word count, and character count
“md5sum” Generates a unique 128-bit md5 (checksum) hash message digest
“grep –c the” Counts the number of occurrences of a given word, here “the”
“grep –ci the” Counts the number of occurrences of a given word ignoring case, here “the”
“tail –n 10” outputs 10 lines from the end of a file
“head –n 10 ” outputs 10 lines from the start of a file
“ls –l” provides a long directory listing

By forking to run these commands at the same time (in parallel) on multi-core machines the tasks should
collectively finish in less time achieving a performance speedup versus performing the tasks separately.
Using fork to run multiple processes in parallel helps to exercise multiple available CPU cores for
unrelated tasks. Using “top -d .1” it is possible to watch mash run multiple processes at the same time
when working on large files.

There are no command line arguments for mash. The mash shell should be invoked as follows:


Here is a sample output sequence for running mash.

