BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


C语言代写 | Task 5: Fault Injection into Glibc

C语言代写 | Task 5: Fault Injection into Glibc


Task 5: Fault Injection into Glibc
Software Fault-Tolerance Lab
Systems Engineering Group
Dresden University of Technology
Dresden, Germany
In this task we test how well applications handle errors returned by library calls. We
use a similar approach as in Task 4.
3 Organizational Remarks – Deadline 6
1 Motivation
In a previous task we saw that applications have to use libraries which are not as robust
as we need them to be. If a library cannot cope with special inputs, the application might
This week we are going to deal with a related problem. Assuming valid inputs, libraries
can still return errors, e.g., malloc() can return NULL and set errno to ENOMEM if not
enough memory is available to fulfill the current request, read() can set errno to EIO
if an error happen while reading the disk, etc. To behave robustly, applications have to
handle such errors. Well known applications, however, do not do so and might not only
Figure 1: Applications and their error handling
crash, but also corrupt persistent state (e.g. files). Figure 1 shows some examples (source:˜nks/fig/paper/fig.html).
Again we will implement a wrapper, but instead of filtering bad inputs, we will inject
faults to test application’s error handling. These faults simulate errors in the library layer.
We are going to focus on a single application, namely tar, and additionally implement a
test automation framework. The approach can easily be extended for other applications.
2 Your Task
You shall build fault injector wrappers for glibc functions. Additionally, build a test
framework to analyze and summarize the results. A single application will be tested: tar.
It is used to create and extract archives.
• tar cf temp.tar directory creates an archive of a directory and its files.
• tar xf temp.tar extracts the directory and files.
Read the man page for more details.
2.1 Fault Injectors
Here follows an example of how you could implement a fault injector for read returning
an I/O error.
1 #define _GNU_SOURCE
2 #include <dlfcn.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <assert.h>
5 #include <errno.h>
6 typedef ssize_t (*read_type) (int, void*, size_t);
7 ssize_t read (int fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
8 static read_type orig = 0;
9 if (drand48 () < 0.1) {
10 errno = EIO;
11 return -1;
12 }
13 if (0 == orig) {
14 orig = (read_type)dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, “read”);
15 assert (orig && “original read function not found”);
16 }
17 return orig (fd, buf, count);
18 }
Note that the error is only injected with a certain probability, 10% in this case. This
allows different parts of the code to be tested.
You shall implement six wrappers in the faultinjectors directory of your checkout:
• fi_read_EINTR.c – read was terminated with a signal and returned EINTR
• fi_read_EIO.c – read returns I/O error (EIO)
• fi_write_ENOSPC.c – write returns no space left error (ENOSPC)
• fi_write_EIO.c – write returns I/O error (EIO)
• fi_select_ENOMEM.c – select returns no memory left error (ENOMEM)
• fi_malloc_ENOMEM.c – malloc returns no memory left error (ENOMEM)
Follow the name convention and use the Makefile in the faultinjectors directory
to compile your fault injectors. Interfaces and additional information can be found in the
man pages of the respective functions. Note that if there are multiple functions in the
system that have the same name, you might need to call man with an additional parameter,
i.e. man 3 read. See man man for more details on man.
2.2 Testing framework
It is the goal of the test framework to perform tests with the application given a test case.
The framework should also interpret the results. Outputs are written to standard output
in a predefined format. The framework should read a single argument from the command
line as an input parameter:
$ ./your-fault-injection-tool read_EIO
The test framework can be implemented in any of the following languages: Python, Ruby,
Perl, Tcl, or C. We recommend implementing it in Python or Ruby though. We will not
accept solutions written in Bash or Java.
In a nutshell, your framework has to
1. remove old test files
2. create a directory structure and files to archive. We provide you with an archive containing directories and files in your checkout. You can call tar xf content.tar
to extract them from the archive.
3. create a new archive (e.g. temp.tar) by calling tar with fault injection.
4. analyze the behavior and output a summary in a predefined format.
2.2.1 Using the fault injectors
To use the fault injectors you have to call tar with the environment variable LD PRELOAD
set to the desired wrapper library, e.g. LD PRELOAD = faultinjection/fi read
To set the environment variable you can use the following methods/modules:
• Ruby:
ENV[’LD_PRELOAD’] = ’faultinjection/’
• Perl:
$ENV{’LD_PRELOAD’} = ’faultinjection/’;
• Python:
1 import os
2 …
3 os.environ[’LD_PRELOAD’] = ’faultinjection/’
• C/C++:
1 #include<stdlib.h>
2 …
3 setenv(“LD_PRELOAD”, “faultinjection/”, 1);
2.2.2 Calling tar within your framework
To run tar for all functions/errors you should call tar cf temp.tar content/. Inside
the framework this can be done as follows:
• Ruby: ‘tar …‘, system(“tar …”)
• Perl: ‘tar …‘;, system(“tar …”);
• Python: os.spawn*(P_WAIT, “/bin/tar”, “cf”, “temp.tar”, …)
• C: fork + exec*.
2.2.3 Analyzing the behavior
There are two states that have to be analyzed: the process state when it terminated; and
the file state. The output of each test should look like the following:
1 Injected: read_EIO
2 ProcessState: exited
3 TarState: corrupted
It is very important to keep this convention because our testing system uses it for
parsing the results. Injected is the test case (the fault injection). The ProcessState
is the state when the application exited. It can be:
• signaled – when the application crashed
• timeout – after a 5 seconds timeout (to be implemented by you)
• exited – if it exited with some error (return code 6= 0)
• success – exited with 0, meaning no error
TarState represents the state of the tar file after the test. There are 4 possible states:
• no tar – there is no file
• empty – the file is empty
• corrupted – the file is corrupted (file exists but its content does not match content.tar)
• okay – the file is the same as the original
Your testing framework should use file system functions to compare the content of
temp.tar to content.tar. Table 2.2.3 summarizes the constructs you can use in the
different languages to find the state of the process and the tar file as discussed above.
Language Process State Tar State
Ruby $? – ProcessStatus module Timeout
Python spawn* class Timer
Perl $? alarm or fork and sleep
C waitpid alarm or fork and sleep
Table 1: Overview of how to query the status of another process and how to detect timeouts
in different programming languages.
Note: when implementing the timeout, make sure you kill the process if the timeout
Language Online Documentation Command Line Example
Ruby ri Kernel#system
Perl perldoc -f system
Python pydoc os.system
man 3 system
Table 2: Online and offline resources for Ruby, Perl, Python, and C/C++.
2.3 Putting it all together
After you implemented the fault injector wrappers and the testing framework, you should
modify the file in your checkout. This file is a bash script which executes your
framework testing tar for all possible tests. You should substitute the string <your-script>
by the command line that calls your framework.
2.4 Further Documentation
If you do not know Perl, Ruby or Python, you should stick to C/C++ for writing the
testing framework. However, if you know any of these three scripting languages, then we
recommend that you use it. In our experience scripting languages are a particular good fit
for such a framework. And, you might get results faster than with C/C++.
For all three languages you will find documentation in the Internet. Table 2 lists some
online resources as well as examples for using the offline documentation on command line
for all four languages.
3 Organizational Remarks – Deadline
Solve this week’s task at home or in the lab. Please be aware that there is a deadline for
this task. You can find the exact date published on our website. If you do not hand in
your solution until the specified date, we will regard your solution as missing and you will
not receive your certificate.

