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C语言代写 | CSE130 Winter 2021 : Assignment 6

C语言代写 | CSE130 Winter 2021 : Assignment 6


CSE130 Winter 2021 : Assignment 6

Basic: Read and write ASCII text files
Read Missing Return appropriate error code when asked to read a non-existent file.
Read Exists Read requested number of bytes from an existing file starting at the first byte of
the file and populating from the first byte of the supplied buffer.
Read File Offset Read requested number of bytes from an existing file starting at a given byte of
the file and populating from the first byte of the supplied buffer.
Read Buffer Offset Read requested number of bytes from an existing file starting at the first byte of
the file and populating from a given byte of the supplied buffer.
Read Both Offset Read requested number of bytes from an existing file starting at a given byte of
the file and populating from a given byte of the supplied buffer
Write Missing Create a file and write the requested number of bytes from the supplied buffer
starting at the first byte of the new file and the first byte of the supplied buffer.
Write Exists Return appropriate error code when asked to write to an existing file.
Write File Offset Create a file and write the requested number of bytes from the supplied buffer
starting at the requested byte of the new file and the first byte of the supplied
Write Buffer Offset Create a file and write the requested number of bytes from the supplied buffer
starting at the first byte of the new file and the requested byte of the supplied
Write Both Offset Create a file and write the requested number of bytes from the supplied buffer
starting at the requested byte of the new file and the requested byte of the
supplied buffer.
Advanced: Copy and append data to ASCII text files
Append Missing Return appropriate error code when asked to append to a non-existent file.
Append Exists Append the contents of a supplied buffer to an existing file.
Copy Missing Return appropriate error code when asked to copy from a non-existent file.
Copy Exists Copy the contents of an existing file to a new one.
What steps should I take to tackle this?
This assignment is all about research. There are many ways to pass the tests, so find one that works. Using the
system calls you are becoming familiar with in Lab 3 may be an easy way to get started.
Do NOT use the system() system call or any of the exec() family of system calls!
How much code will I need to write?
A model solution satisfying all requirements has approximately 100 lines of executable code.

