CSC112 project1 Introduction to Kernel Hacking
The second important thing the hardware does is to transfer control to the trap
vectors of the system. To enable the hardware to know what code to run when a
particular trap occurs, the OS, when booting, must make sure to inform the
hardware of the location of the code to run when such traps take place. This is done
in main.c as follows:
tvinit(); // trap vectors initialized here
FILE: main.c
The routine tvinit() is the relevant one here. Peeking inside of it, we see:
void tvinit(void)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
SETGATE(idt[i], 0, SEG_KCODE<<3, vectors[i], 0);
// this is the line we care about…
initlock(&tickslock, “time”);
FILE: trap.c
The SETGATE() macro is the relevant code here. It is used to set the idt array to
point to the proper code to execute when various traps and interrupts occur. For
system calls, the single SETGATE() call (which comes after the loop) is the one we’re
interested in. Here is what the macro does (as well as the gate descriptor it sets):
// Gate descriptors for interrupts and traps
struct gatedesc {
uint off_15_0 : 16; // low 16 bits of offset in segment
uint cs : 16; // code segment selector
uint args : 5; // # args, 0 for interrupt/trap gates
uint rsv1 : 3; // reserved(should be zero I guess)
uint type : 4; // type(STS_{TG,IG32,TG32})
uint s : 1; // must be 0 (system)
uint dpl : 2; // descriptor(meaning new) privilege level
uint p : 1; // Present
uint off_31_16 : 16; // high bits of offset in segment
// Set up a normal interrupt/trap gate descriptor.
// – istrap: 1 for a trap (= exception) gate, 0 for an interrupt gate.
// interrupt gate clears FL_IF, trap gate leaves FL_IF alone
// – sel: Code segment selector for interrupt/trap handler
// – off: Offset in code segment for interrupt/trap handler
// – dpl: Descriptor Privilege Level –
// the privilege level required for software to invoke
// this interrupt/trap gate explicitly using an int instruction.
#define SETGATE(gate, istrap, sel, off, d) \
{ \
(gate).off_15_0 = (uint) (off) & 0xffff; \
(gate).cs = (sel); \
(gate).args = 0; \
(gate).rsv1 = 0; \
(gate).type = (istrap) ? STS_TG32 : STS_IG32; \
(gate).s = 0; \
(gate).dpl = (d); \
(gate).p = 1; \
(gate).off_31_16 = (uint) (off) >> 16; \
FILE: mmu.h
As you can see from the code, all the SETGATE() macros does is set the values of an
in-memory data structure. Most important is the off parameter, which tells the
hardware where the trap handling code is. In the initialization code, the value
vectors[T_SYSCALL] is passed in; thus, whatever the vectors array points to will be
the code to run when a system call takes place. There are other details (which are
important too); consult an x86 hardware architecture manuals (particularly
Chapters 3a and 3b) for more information.
Note, however, that we still have not informed the hardware of this information, but
rather filled a data structure. The actual hardware informing occurs a little later in
the boot sequence; in xv6, it happens in the routine mpmain() in the file main.c,
which calls idtinit in trap.c, which calls lidt() in the include file x86.h:
static void
lidt(idt, sizeof(idt));
static inline void
lidt(struct gatedesc *p, int size)
volatile ushort pd[3];
pd[0] = size-1;
pd[1] = (uint)p;
pd[2] = (uint)p >> 16;
asm volatile(“lidt (%0)” : : “r” (pd));
Here, you can see how (eventually) a single assembly instruction is called to tell the
hardware where to find the interrupt descriptor table (IDT) in memory. Note this is
done in mpmain() as each processor in the system must have such a table (they all
use the same one of course). Finally, after executing this instruction (which is only
possible when the kernel is running, in privileged mode), we are ready to think
about what happens when a user application invokes a system call.
struct trapframe {
// registers as pushed by pusha
uint edi;
uint esi;
uint ebp;
uint oesp; // useless & ignored
uint ebx;
uint edx;
uint ecx;
uint eax;
// rest of trap frame
ushort es;
ushort padding1;
ushort ds;
ushort padding2;
uint trapno;
// below here defined by x86 hardware
uint err;
uint eip;
ushort cs;
ushort padding3;
uint eflags;
// below here only when crossing rings, such as from user to kernel
uint esp;
ushort ss;
ushort padding4;
File: x86.h
From Low-level To The C Trap Handler
The OS has carefully set up its trap handlers, and thus we are ready to see what
happens on the OS side once an application issues a system call via the int
instruction. Before any code is run, the hardware must perform a number of tasks.
The first thing it does are those tasks which are difficult/impossible for the software
to do itself, including saving the current PC (IP or EIP in Intel terminology) onto the
stack, as well as a number of other registers such as the eflags register (which
contains the current status of the CPU while the program was running), stack
pointer, and so forth. One can see what the hardware is expected to save by
looking at the trapframe structure as defined in x86.h.
As you can see from the bottom of the trapframe structure, some pieces of the trap
frame are filled in by the hardware (up to the err field); the rest will be saved by
the OS. The first code OS that is run is vector64() as found in vectors.S (which is
automatically generated by the script vectors.pl).
.globl vector64
pushl $64
jmp alltraps
File: vectors.S (generated by vectors.pl)
This code pushes the trap number onto the stack (filling in the trapno field of the
trap frame) and then calls alltraps() to do most of the saving of context into the
trap frame.
# vectors.S sends all traps here.
.globl alltraps
# Build trap frame.
pushl %ds
pushl %es
# Set up data segments.
movl $SEG_KDATA_SEL, %eax
movw %ax,%ds
movw %ax,%es
# Call trap(tf), where tf=%esp
pushl %esp
call trap
addl $4, %esp
File: trapasm.S
The code in alltraps() pushes a few more segment registers (not described here,
yet) onto the stack before pushing the remaining general purpose registers onto the
trap frame via a pushal instruction. Then, the OS changes the descriptor segment
and extra segment registers so that it can access its own (kernel) memory. Finally,
the C trap handler is called.
The C Trap Handler
Once done with the low-level details of setting up the trap frame, the low-level
assembly code calls up into a generic C trap handler called trap(), which is passed
a pointer to the trap frame. This trap handler is called upon all types of interrupts
and traps, and thus check the trap number field of the trap frame (trapno) to
determine what to do. The first check is for the system call trap number (T_SYSCALL,
or 64 as defined somewhat arbitrarily in traps.h), which then handles the system
call, as you see here:
trap(struct trapframe *tf)
if(tf->trapno == T_SYSCALL){
cp->tf = tf;
… // continues
FILE: trap.c
The code isn’t too complicated. It checks if the current process (that made the
system call) has been killed; if so, it simply exits and cleans up the process (and
thus does not proceed with the system call). It then calls syscall() to actually
perform the system call; more details on that below. Finally, it checks whether the
process has been killed again before returning. Note that we’ll follow the return
path below in more detail.
static int (*syscalls[])(void) = {
[SYS_chdir] sys_chdir,
[SYS_close] sys_close,
[SYS_dup] sys_dup,
[SYS_exec] sys_exec,
[SYS_exit] sys_exit,
[SYS_fork] sys_fork,
[SYS_fstat] sys_fstat,
[SYS_getpid] sys_getpid,
[SYS_kill] sys_kill,
[SYS_link] sys_link,
[SYS_mkdir] sys_mkdir,
[SYS_mknod] sys_mknod,
[SYS_open] sys_open,
[SYS_pipe] sys_pipe,
[SYS_read] sys_read,
[SYS_sbrk] sys_sbrk,
[SYS_sleep] sys_sleep,
[SYS_unlink] sys_unlink,
[SYS_wait] sys_wait,
[SYS_write] sys_write,
int num;
num = cp->tf->eax;
if(num >= 0 && num < NELEM(syscalls) && syscalls[num])
cp->tf->eax = syscalls[num]();
else {
cprintf(“%d %s: unknown sys call %d\n”,
cp->pid, cp->name, num);
cp->tf->eax = -1;
File: syscall.c
Vectoring To The System Call
Once we finally get to the syscall() routine in syscall.c, not much work is left to do
(see above). The system call number has been passed to us in the register %eax,
and now we unpack that number from the trap frame and use it to call the
appropriate routine as defined in the system call table syscalls[]. Pretty much all
operating systems have a table similar to this to define the various system calls
they support. After carefully checking that the system call number is in bounds, the
pointed-to routine is called to handle the call. For example, if the system call read()
was called by the user, the routine sys_read() will be invoked here. The return
value, you might note, is stored in %eax to pass back to the user.
The Return Path
The return path is pretty easy. First, the system call returns an integer value, which
the code in syscall() grabs and places into the %eax field of the trap frame. The
code then returns into trap(), which simply returns into where it was called from in
the assembly trap handler.
# Return falls through to trapret…
.globl trapret
popl %es
popl %ds
addl $0x8, %esp # trapno and errcode