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C语言代写 | COMP2017 / COMP9017 Assignment 1

C语言代写 | COMP2017 / COMP9017 Assignment 1

COMP2017 / COMP9017  
Assignment 1  
March 27th, 2020, 11:59pm AEDT (Week 5 Friday)
ND-Minesweeper is played on a n-dimensional grid of n-dimensional hypercubes, where n is a pos-  
itive integer and the grid is of arbitrarily defined size. We will refer to each hypercube in the game  
grid as a “cell”. Each cell can therefore be defined by a set of n integer coordinates (k1, k2 . . . kn)  
where 0ki xi for 1i n where xi is the maximum coordinate (one less than the size) of the  
given i-th dimension of the grid. The dimensions of the grid do not necessarily have the same size as  
each other. The cell at coordinates (0, 0 . . . 0) is always a “corner” of the grid. Each cell may contain  
a mine, which is hidden from the player. The game starts with all cells unselected. Every turn, the  
player selects a cell.  
Below is an example of a starting 2-dimensional (n = 2) grid, with maximum coordinates 5 and  
(that is, x1 = 5 and x2 = 3, with size for 6 and 4 cells respectively) and some cell coordinates  
indicated. The locations of the hidden mines are indicated by asterisks (*) (their coordinates are (1, 3)  
and (2, 2)). At this point, no cells have been selected by the player.  
The player proceeds to select a cell in the first turn.  
If the cell contains a mine, the player loses and the game ends.  
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If the cell does not contain a mine, the game informs the player of the number of cells adjacent to  
the selected cell which contain mines. A pair of distinct cells are adjacent if the maximum difference  
between any pair of matching coordinates is 1. That is, if the coordinates of the (distinct) cells  
respectively are (a1, a2 . . . an) and (b1, b2 . . . bn), then they are adjacent if and only if  
1 or  
ai bi =  
for all 1i n. Note that this means cells which are “diagonal” to the selected cell are adjacent. If  
no adjacent cells contain mines, the game automatically selects all adjacent cells recursively until all  
cells selected this way have a non-zero number of cells adjacent which contain mines.  
Cells at the boundary of the grid (i.e. at least one coordinate ki is 0 or xi) are only adjacent to those  
cells within the boundaries of the grid, there is no wrapping to the other side.  
When all cells that do not contain mines have been selected, the player wins and the game ends.  
Using the example grid above, a player has made a move of selecting (1, 2). The adjacent cells are  
0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3), (0, 2), (2, 2), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1). There are two adjacent mines, so the player is  
informed of this number, and no cells are expanded recursively. The grid after this action is shown  
The player then selects the cell (4, 1). As this cell has no adjacent mines, cells are automatically  
selected recursively outwards until they contain at least one adjacent mine. Please note that cells  
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0, 3) and (2, 3) have remained unselected because they were not reached by the recursive selection.  
Note that the recursive selection also stops when a boundary is reached. The grid after this action is  
shown below.  
At this point, if the player selects the cells (0, 3) and (2, 3), they win the game. If the player selects  
either (1, 3) or (2, 2), they lose the game.  
Each cell in the ND-Minesweeper grid will be represented by the following struct. The entire grid is  
represented by an array of such structs.  
struct cell {  
int mined;  
int selected;  
int num_adjacent;  
struct cell * adjacent[MAX_ADJACENT];  
int coords[MAX_DIM];  
int hint;  
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MAX_ADJACENT is a constant integer that will be available as a preprocessor #define when your  
code is tested, representing the maximum space to store cells adjacent to the given cell. This may be  
less than the actual number of adjacent cells depending on the dimensionality of the game; however  
you are always guaranteed enough space to store pointers to adjacent cells.  
MAX_DIM is a constant integer that will be available as a preprocessor #define when your code is  
tested, representing the maximum space to store coordinates representing a cell. The actual number  
of coordinates required is equal to the number of dimensions of the game; however you are always  
guaranteed enough space to store coordinates.  
mined is an integer that is either 0 (no mine present at this cell) or 1 (mine present).  
selected is an integer that is either 0 (not selected) or 1 (selected). It represents whether the cell  
has been selected, whether by the player or automatically.  
num_adjacent is an integer equal to the number of cells adjacent to this one.  
adjacent is an array of pointers to the structs representing all adjacent cells to this one, in arbitrary  
coords is an array of integers representing the coordinates of the current cell.  
hint is an integer that represents the number of adjacent mined cells to the current cell.  
Implement the following functions for your ND-Minesweeper game. Do not write any main() func-  
tion; your code will be tested by directly calling the functions you implement.  
void init_game(struct cell * game, int dim, int * dim_sizes, int num_mines,  
int ** mined_cells);  
This function will be called first, exactly once at the start of the game.  
dim provides you with the number of dimensions of this game, and dim_sizes is an array of dim  
integers representing the size of the grid (i.e. number of cells) in each respective dimension.  
mined_cells is a num_mines sized array of dim sized integer arrays, which represents a num_mines  
sized array of coordinates of cells that contain mines.  
Using the example grid above, the parameters would be: dim = 2, dim_sizes = {6,4},  
num_mines = 2, mined_cells = {{1,3}, {2,2}}.  
Your function must write a struct cell for each cell in the grid to the array game, which is guar-  
anteed to have enough memory for the number of cells in the grid. You do not have to add structs  
into the array in any defined order, but there must not be any empty array entries between structs.  
For a suggestion on how to order the game array, see the Notes and Hints section at the end of this  
document. However you must ensure the following values for struct fields:  
All cells must be initialised to selected = 0.  
Mined cells must have mined = 1, all others mined = 0.  
adjacent must contain the correct pointers to all the struct cells in the game array representing  
adjacent cells of a given cell. This depends on where you store the corresponding struct cells  
in the array game, which is up to you. You must also ensure the num_adjacent field contains  
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the number of adjacent cells. The adjacent array may contain up to MAX_ADJACENT elements as  
described above, but you may not need to use all the space. All your pointers should be placed at the  
start of the array, without empty entries.  
coords must contain the coordinates of the cell that this struct cell represents. The coordinates  
array must represent the dimensions in the same order as defined in dim_sizes. As above, this array  
has space for up to MAX_DIM elements but may not all need to be used.  
hint does not need to, but can, be defined by this function. It is only required to take on a correct  
value later (see below).  
int select_cell(struct cell * game, int dim, int * dim_sizes, int * coords);  
This function will be called only after init_game has been called exactly once. It will be called  
exactly once for each move of the player.  
coords is a dim sized array of integers representing the coordinates of the cell that the player has  
selected. dim_sizes has the same meaning as for init_game.  
game is the same array that you created in init_game or modified in previous calls of select_cell.  
You must now modify your array based on the player’s selection.  
If the player has selected a cell with a mine, return 1 and mark the cell as selected. The game has  
been lost, and there will be no further function calls for this game array.  
If the player has selected a cell without a mine, you need to ensure that the hint field of the relevant  
struct cell in the array contains the total number of mines in adjacent cells, before you return.  
You always still mark the cell as selected.  
Furthermore, if the selected cell has 0 adjacent mines, you must recursively automatically select ad-  
jacent cells in all dimensions. If the adjacent cells also have 0 adjacent mines, continue the recursion.  
Only stop when there is a non-zero number of mines in adjacent cells to a particular cell. All recur-  
sively selected cells must also have the correct value for number of adjacent mines stored in the hint  
field of the corresponding struct cell.  
The recursive algorithm is summarised in the pseudocode below. Note that it does not include any  
statements setting the hint or any other fields.  
function select_recursion(CELL):  
if (CELL has no adjacent mines):  
for all cells x adjacent to CELL:  
if x is not selected:  
select x  
If all cells except those that contain mines have been selected (by the player or automatically), return  
and ensure all selected cells are correctly marked as selected. The game has been won, and there  
will be no further function calls for this game array.  
Otherwise, return 0. There may be future function calls for this game array.  
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If the player selects a cell that is out of bounds, already selected or otherwise invalid, you should  
return 0 and do nothing else.  
Notes and Hints  
Your submission must not print any output to standard output or standard error.  
Please note you may not use variable length arrays. You may use dynamic memory, but this is not  
necessary to complete this assignment.  
You may be familiar with popular versions of the Minesweeper game that include features such as  
guaranteeing the first move is mine-free, and having “flags”. For simplicity, such features are delib-  
erately excluded from this assignment.  
Your game array does not need to contain cells in any specified order. However, we suggest you use  
row or column major order to transform n-dimensional coordinates to a linear array index easily.  
There are many online resources available describing how this can be done.  
Submission and Mark Breakdown  
You are provided with a scaffold containing three files, minesweeper.c and minesweeper.h and  
params.h. The functions that you need to implement are in minesweeper.c. Please place all of  
your code in this file, or in included files as only this file will be passed for compilation.  
The file params.h contains definitions for the constants MAX_ADJACENT and MAX_DIM (see above  
for details) that may change depending on the test case. Please ensure your code includes params.h  
(minesweeper.h already does this for you). The scaffold contains default values for the constants  
but you may change the values in the testing of your own code. However, any modifications to  
params.h in your submission will be overwritten by the testing code. You should use other files for  
code that you wish to form part of your submission.  
Submit your assignment via Git to Ed for automatic marking. The marking program will check the  
validity of your game array by printing out a description of its contents, including the coordinates of  
your cells and their struct fields. If this output does not match expected output, you will be informed  
of the difference.  
This checking output will produce text rows in the following format, one per cell in the array:  
cell at <coordinates> mined 0/1 selected 0/1 hint <hint value> adjacent to  
number of adjacent cells> cells: <coordinates of all adjacent cells  
separated by spaces>  
Note that the hint field in the output will only be printed if it is required to be correct (that is, if the  
cell has been selected).  
Your code will be compiled with the following options. Please note you may not use variable length  
