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c语言代写 | CMPSC 473 Project 2: Slab Allocation and Defenses

c语言代写 | CMPSC 473 Project 2: Slab Allocation and Defenses


CMPSC 473 – Fall 2019 – Project 2: Slab Allocation and Defenses
1 Dates
• Out: September 23, 2019
• Due: October 11, 2019
2 Introduction
In this project, you will write dynamic storage allocator for C programs, i.e., your own version of the
malloc and free. You will implement a particular type of allocator called a slab allocator described
below and setup the ability to check pointers for memory you allocate to prevent some attacks: (1) buffer
overflow; (2) use-after-free; and (3) type confusion.
The only file you need (or should) modify is cmpsc473-mm.c. For the allocator, you will implement the
following functions (see functions for defenses in Section 6).
• int mm init( void );
• void *my malloc( unsigned int size );
• void my free( void *buf );
You are encouraged to define other helper functions to modularize your code.
3 Slab Allocation
Slab allocation is briefly described in the “Three Easy Pieces” book in Section 17.4. The idea is that the
heap for a slab allocator is designed to allocate objects of predetermined sizes, e.g., for commonly used data
structures like tasks (processes) and files.
A slab allocator has a particular structure. Please use the data structures for heap t, slab cache t,
slab t, and bitmap t defined in cmpsc473-mm.h. Some bit operations are provided. See WORD OFFSET
and BIT OFFSET in cmpsc473-mm.h and set bit, clear bit, and get bit in cmpsc473-mm.c).
The relationship among these data structures is shown in Figure 1.
A single heap of type heap t is the root of the slab allocator structure. A heap consists of a contiguous
sequence of pages that may be used for allocating data for each structure from the field void *start for
size unsigned int size. Your slab allocator manages heap memory in slabs, which are the same as
pages (i.e., same size as a memory page).
See Figure 2 to see an example of how pages may appear in the heap memory. Use the heap’s bitmap
field to track which pages are free and which are allocated.
There are three slabs caches of type slab cache t (see cmpsc473-mm.h) in your slab allocator’s heap:
one for each of the structs A, B, and C. Please use your cmpsc473-format-X.h file from Project 1 (where X
Figure 1: Slab allocator data structures and relationships
Slab Allocator
Slab Page
Slab Page
Slab Page
Slab Page
Slab Page
Slab Page
Slab Page
Figure 2: Layout of slab pages in the heap
is your format file number) to define the object format for the objects that you will be allocating memory for
from your slab allocator.
The three slab caches each store a circular, doubly-linked list of slabs from a single reference to one slab
at slab t *current. The slab cache tracks slabs by the count of slabs allocated (unsigned int ct) and
the size of the data structures (for struct A, B, anc C from your cmpsc473-format-X.h file). The slab cache
also stores stwo function pointers to cache-specific functions for allocating metadata (for canary and free
count, see Section 6) and for checking canaries (see Section 6).
The slabs of are type slab t. The slabs store a state: SLAB EMPTY, SLAB PARTIAL, and SLAB FULL
defined in cmpsc473-mm.h. Each slab has a start address (void *start), which is always page-aligned since
we are allocating slabs in pages. There are next and prev pointers to slabs in the circular, doubly-linked
list of slabs (see Figure 1.
The format of an individual slab page is shown in Figure 3. Note that the slab data structure is always
at the end of the slab page. From the start of the slab page, a sequence of objects (called allocX t of type
“struct X”) of size num objs are available for allocation. You must align objects on 16-byte boundaries,
as we will use this restriction to enable implementing a defense below. A count (unsigned int ct) of
objects have been allocated from the slab at any time. Please track this count.
There are two fields that describe the object’s size in each slab. One real size stores the size of
the structure being stored (i.e., sizeof for struct A, B, or C). The other obj size stores the size of the
slab object. Each slab object includes the structure data and two metadata fields for the free count (ct) and
canary (canary) discussed in Section 6 and must be 16-byte aligned as described above.
4 Requirements for Allocator Functions
Implement the following functions. Note that you can get these functions below running without adding
or checking the defenses below. Thus, the project can be programmed incrementally once you have basic
memory allocation working.
Figure 3: Layout of an individual slab page in memory
• int mm init( void ): Before calling my malloc or my free you need to initialize the heap
to handle these requests. Please allocate 1M for slab pages (using the standard memory allocation
functions). Please make sure that the heap’s slab pages are all page-aligned. You should also initialize
the canary value for the process at this time as described in Section 6.
• void *my malloc( unsigned int size ): The my malloc routine returns a pointer to
an allocated block payload of at least size bytes. The entire allocated block should lie within the heap
region and should not overlap with any other allocated chunk. You should allocate an object from a
slab page to fulfill this request. If you have no free objects in all your slab pages for a cache, you must
allocate a new slab page for the cache.
• void my free( void *buf ): The my free routine frees the block pointed to by buf. It
returns nothing. This routine is only guaranteed to work when the passed pointer (buf) was returned
by an earlier call to my malloc. You should make the object whose start address corresponds to this
buf pointer free. Other addresses should fail to deallocate the object. If you free all the objects from
a slab page, you must free the slab page for use by another cache, unless that page is the only slab
page in the cache.
5 Attacks on Heap Data
In recent years, heaps have become the main target for attacks in processes. This is partly because defenses
have been added to prevent attacks on stack memory, and partly because standard heaps typically store both
the application data and the heap metadata on the heap. Attackers can use memory errors (e.g., overflows)
to overwrite the heap metadata enabling attacks. In our case, only the slab t metadata is stored in the slab
pages of a slab allocator.
We will examine three types of attacks:
• Overflows: We want to prevent a write to an object field from writing another object’s data. Such an
attack may compromise the integrity of another object or the slab t metadata.
• Type Confusion: We want to prevent an adversary from being able to use a pointer to memory
of one type (say, struct B) to reference memory of another type (say, struct A). A program
vulnerability may allow an adversary to control a pointer value, and the adversary could leverage this
vulnerability to reference an object of another type to change its field values using field operations on
the first type.
• Use-After-Free: In this attack, an adversary obtains a pointer to memory that can be used in a statement after the memory is freed. If the memory is reallocated, the adversary could reference this newly
allocated memory – perhaps of a different data type if the entire slab has been assigned to another
6 Requirements for Preventing Attacks
You will develop modest defenses for each of these three attack types.
Each of these “check” functions returns an integer value. You must return “0” on success and any other
number on failure (typically “-1” is used though).
6.1 Canaries
A canary is an unpredictable (i.e., pseudorandom) value that is used to detect overflows. In this project,
each allocX t includes a canary field after the object data. This is to detect an overflow on a write to an
object field that writes beyond the end of the object.
You need to implement the following two functions to apply the canary as a defense.
• void canary init( void ): This function should be run before any my malloc or my free
call to initialize the pseudorandom canary value. The canary value must differ on each run of the process annd be pseudorandom. The canary value must be set for each allocated object.
• int check canary( void *addr ): You need to define a function to check the canary value
of a object reference (addr) and assign that function to the appropriate slab cache. You may
define one function for all types or one function each. We will invoke this function after any write
6.2 Check Pointer to Object Size
To prevent type confusion attacks, you must implement the function int check type( void *addr,
char type ) to check that the pointer addr is an appropriate reference for an object of type type,
which is a one character value of either A, B, or C for the corresponding structs. We will test by asking for
pointers of the wrong data type for particular object locations. You must determine whether it is acceptable
for an object reference to be cast to the requested type. Since there may be many pointers and references,
you want to do this efficiently.
6.3 Free Count Tracking
A free count tracks the version of the allocation to prevent use-after-free attacks. Each object of type
allocX t is associated with a field for the free count (ct). In addition, my malloc must encode the free
count of the pointer returned in the 4 low-order bits of the pointer returned – remember all allocated objects
are 16-byte aligned, so we don’t need those bits for addressing..
You must implement the function int check count( void *addr ) to check that the free count
of the object referenced (at addr) must comply with the free count of the pointer. Note that the free count
of the pointer can be no larger than 15 (since you only have 4 bits), so you must figure out how to use the
reference count stored in the object to do the check effectively.
7 Doing the Project
Perform the following tasks to complete the project.
7.1 Download Tarball
The tarball for Project 2 is available from Canvas from˜trj1/cmpsc473-19f/
p2.tgz. This tarball includes my format file cmpsc473-format-1.h. You will use your format file from
project 1 instead.
7.2 Project Tasks
You will then perform the following steps.
• Task 0: As in Project 1, please change the SNUM value in the Makefile to your format file number
from Project 1.
• Task 1: As in Project 1, please change the header file references to cmpsc473-format.1.h to reference
your format file.
• Task 2: Develop the three slab allocator functions: mm init, my malloc, and my free. You may
develop subroutines for these functions as you see appropriate.
• Task 3: Develop the functions for the three types of defenses for the slab allocator: canaries, type
checks, and free counts.
You can also using the malloc fn and free fn function pointers to define cache-specific (objectspecific) functionality for malloc and free to enable defenses, and use the canary fn for cachespecific (object-specific) checking of the canary values. If you don’t need them, you are not required
to use them.
8 Testing
We will test your submission on machines in the Linux lab in W204 Westgate. The machines are named, where XX is a number from 01 to at least 40.
We will test your program by supplying input files containing command sequences consisting of commands for memory allocation/deallocation and pointer use, which may or may not indicate an attack. All
the commands that we will execute are provided by the process cmds function in the cmpsc473-p2.c file.
The memory allocation deallocations are:
• malloc A/B/C id-start id-end: Allocate objects of either type (struct) A, B, or C from index id-start
to id-end. We will refer to these objects subsequently by ID to use the associated pointer values in
other commands. We will pass my malloc requests for allocating memory for the associated type
for each ID.
• free id-start id-end: Free all objects of IDs in the range between id-start and id-end. We will pass
my free requests to free the objects associated with those IDs allocated using my malloc.
If you can support execution of these two commands as described above, you will complete the memory
allocation portion of the project.
For performing operations using the allocated references, the following commands will be provided.
• write id bytes: The write command writes bytes number of bytes to the pointer associated with ID
id. Write commands may or may not write beyond the end of the available object memory, so we run
check canary to detect whether the canary’s integrity is preserved.
• save A/B/C id: The save command stores a pointer of type either (struct) A, B, or C for later use for
the pointer associated with ID id. Such an operation may try to save a pointer allocated for one type
to a pointer allocated to another type, so we run check type to prevent this kind of type confusion.
• use (saved reference): The use operation will perform a one-byte read from the pointer stored in the
save operation. If the memory pointed to by the pointer has been freed since the save, we want to
prevent such an operation, so we run check count.
You should SSH into those machines to verify that your code works. We developed and tested the project
code on those machines, so should work fine, but it is up to you to make sure.
You will need to speak to the CSE IT folks if you do not have access to those machines.
9 Questions
Please answer the following questions regarding slab memory allocation and defenses.
• Does slab allocation create either external or internal fragmentation?
• How much memory is not available for allocation given the slab allocator implementation for your
objects of struct A per page?
• Describe an overflow attack that would work even given our implementation of canaries.
• How did you implement check type to prevent type confusion attacks?
10 Deliverables
Please submit the following:
1. A tarball created using “make tar” from the directory p2-assign, creating a file p2-assign-X.tgz, where
X is your format number as in Project 1.
2. A file in PDF format providing answers to the questions above.
11 Grading
The assignment is worth 60 points total broken down as follows.
1. We can build and run what you have submitted without incident (9 points).
2. Slab allocator tests complete correctly (24 points)
3. Slab allocator performance and memory utilization are within bounds (12 points). Performance must
be within 90% of course standard and memory utilization must not incur more than 25% excess
memory in slab pages used by caches.
4. Slab allocator defenses complete correctly (15 points)

