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C语言代写 | Assignment #5 – CMPSC311 mdadm Linear Device (Networking)

C语言代写 | Assignment #5 – CMPSC311 mdadm Linear Device (Networking)



Assignment #5 – mdadm Linear Device (Networking)
CMPSC311 – Introduction to Systems Programming


The protocol defined by the JBOD vendor has two messages. The JBOD request message is sent from your client program to the JBOD server and contains an opcode and a buffer when needed. The JBOD response message is sent from the JBOD server to your client program and contains an opcode and a buffer when needed.
Both messages use the same format:

Bytes Field Description
0-1 length The size of the packet in bytes
2-5 opcode The opcode for the JBOD operation
6-7 return code Return code from the JBOD operation
8-263 block Where needed, a block of size JBOD BLOCK SIZE

Table 1: JBOD procotol packet format


In addition to replacing all calls in mdadm.c, you will implement functions defined in net.h in the pro-vided net.c file. Specifically, you will implement jbod_connect function, which will connect to JBOD – SERVER at port JBOD PORT, both defined in net.h, and jbod_disconnect function, which will close the connection to the JBOD server. Both of these functions will be called by the tester. The file net.c contains some functions with empty bodies that can help with structuring your code, but you don’t have to implement them. Other than implementing the functions in net.h, it is up to you how you structure your code.


Once you finish implementing your code, you can test it by running the provided jbod_server in one terminal, which implements the server component of the protocol, and running the tester with the workload file in another terminal. Below is a sample session from the server and the client:
Output from the jbod_serverterminal:

$ ./jbod_server
JBOD server listening on port 3333…
new client connection from port 32402
client closed connection

Output from the tester terminal:

$ ./tester -w traces/simple-input >my-out
connected to the JBOD server at
Cost: 0
Hit rate: -nan%
closed connection to the JBOD server

You can also run the jbod_serverin verbose mode to print out every command that it receives from the
client. Below is sample output that was trimmed to fit the space.

$ ./jbod_server -v
JBOD server listening on port 3333…
new client connection from port 38546
received cmd id = 0 (JBOD_MOUNT) [disk id = 0 block id = 0], result = 0
received cmd id = 2 (JBOD_SEEK_TO_DISK) [disk id = 0 block id = 0], result = 0
received cmd id = 5 (JBOD_WRITE_BLOCK) [disk id = 0 block id = 0], result = 0
block contents:
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00


There are not tests for this implementation. All of your 10 points will come from traces.

