Programming Assignment 4 : File System
Due: Monday November 25, 2019
In this assignment you will write a user space portable file system. Your program will provide the user
with ~33MB of drive space in a disk image. Users will have the ability to create the filesystem image, list
the files currently in the file system, add files, and remove files. Files will persist in the file system when
the program exits.
You may complete this assignment in groups of two or by yourself. If you wish to be in a group of two
the group leader must email me your group member’s names by November 8, 2019. Your email must
have the subject line “3320 [Section #] Project 3 Group” where section number is 002 or 003. ( 003 is the
5:30 pm class, 002 is 7:00pm )
.0 File System Requirements
1.1: Your program will print out a prompt of mfs> when it is ready to accept input.
1.2: The following commands shall be supported:
Command Usage Description
put <filename>
Copy the file to the file system.
Retrieve the file from the file
get <filename>
get <filename> <newfilename>
del <filename>
Retrieve the file from the file
system and place it in the file
named <newfilename>.
Delete the file from the file
list [-h]
List the files in the file system.
Display the amount of disk
space left in the file system.
Open a file system image file
Close the currently opened file
system image
open <file image name>
createfs <disk image name>
attrib [+attribute]
Create a new file system image
Set or remove the attribute for
the file.
[-attribute] <filename>
.3: Your program will be allocating 4226 blocks for the file system.
.4: The file system shall support files up to 10,240,000 bytes in size.
.5: The file system shall support up to 128 files.
.6: The file system block size shall be 8192 bytes.
.7: The file system shall use an indexed allocation scheme.
.8: The file system shall support file names of up to 32 characters.
.9: Supported file names shall only be alphanumeric with “.”. There shall be no restriction to how many
characters appear before or after the “.”. There shall be support for files without a “.”
.10: The file system will store the directory in the first (block 0) disk block.
.11: The file system shall allocate blocks 3-131 for inodes
.12: The file system shall use block 1 for the inode map
.13: The file system shall use block 2 for the free block map
.14 The directory structure shall be a single level hierarchy with no subdirectories.
.0 Command Requirements
2.1 The put command shall allow the user to put a new file into the file system.
2.1.1 The command shall take the form:
put <filename>
.1.2 If the filename is too long an error will be returned stating:
put error: File name too long.
.1.3 If there is not enough disk space for the file an error will be returned stating:
put error: Not enough disk space.
.2 The get command shall allow the user to retrieve a file from the file system and place it in the current
working directory.
2.2.1 The command shall take the form:
get <filename>
get <filename> <newfilename>
2.2.2 If no new filename is specified the get command shall copy the file to the current working
directory using the old filename.
2.2.3 If the file does not exist in the file system an error will be printed that states:
get error: File not found.
2.3 The del command – The del command shall allow the user to delete a file from the file
2.3.2 If the file does exist in the file system it shall be deleted and all the space available for
additional files.
2.3.3 If the file is read-only the file shall not be deleted and the following message shall be
del: That file is marked read-only.
2.3 The list command – The list command shall display all the files in the file system, their size
in bytes and the time they were added to the file system
2.3.1 If no files are in the file system a message shall be printed:
list: No files found.
2.3.2 Files that are marked as hidden shall not be listed
2.4 The df command – The df command shall display the amount of free space in the file system
in bytes.
2.5 The open command – The open command shall open a file system image file with the name
and path given by the user.
2.5.1 If the file is not found a message shall be printed:
open: File not found
2.6 The close command – The close command shall write the file system to disk and close the
.7 The attrib command – The attrib command sets or removes an attribute from the file.
.7.1 Valid attributes are:
Hidden. The file is not displayed in directory
Read-Only. The file is marked read-only and
can not be deleted when this attribute is set.
.7.2 To set the attribute on the file the attribute tag is given with a +, ex:
mfs> attrib +h foo.txt
.7.3 To remove the attribute on the file the attribute tag is given with a -, ex:
mfs> attrib -h foo.txt
.7.3 If the file is not found a message shall be printed:
attrib: File not found
2.6 The createfs command – The createfs command shall create a file system image file with
the named provided by the user.
2.6.1 If the file name is not provided a message shall be printed:
createfs: File not found
.0 Nonfunctional Requirements
.1: You may code your solution in C or C++.
.2: C files shall end in .c . C++ files shall end in .cpp
.3: Your source files must be ASCII text files. No binary submissions will be accepted.
.4: Tabs or spaces shall be used to indent the code. Your code must use one or the other. All indentation
must be consistent.
.5: No line of code shall exceed 100 characters.
.6: Each source code file shall have the following header filled out:
.7: All code must be well commented. This means descriptive comments that tell the intent of the code,
not just what the code is executing. The following explains the intent:
3.8: Keep your curly brace placement consistent. If you place curly braces on a new line , always place
curly braces on a new end. Don’t mix end line brace placement with new line brace placement.
3.9: Each function should have a header that describes its name, any parameters expected, any return
values, as well as a description of what the function does.
3.10: If your solution uses multiple source files you must also submit a cmake file or a makefile.
Submissions without a cmake file or makefile will have a 20 pt deduction.
This assignment will be graded on omega.uta.edu. The assignment will be graded out of 100 points.
Compiler warnings are there to tell you something is not correct. Pay attention to them and you will save
yourself a lot of late nights debugging code. Code that does not compile will earn 0.
Academic Integrity
This assignment must be 100% your own work. No code may be copied from friends, previous students,
books, web pages, etc. All code submitted is checked against a database of previous semester’s graded
assignments, current student’s code and common web sources. Code that is copied from an external
source will result in a 0 for the assignment and referral to the Office of Student Conduct.
Hints and Suggestions
Reuse the code from the mav shell. Your parser and main loop logic are already done. It will allow you
to concentrate on the new functionality you have to implement and not on reimplementing code you’ve
already written.
Look at the man page for stat. man 2 stat . You will need the metadata it gives you.
I have placed a file call block_copy_example.c under this assignment on github at
https://github.com/CSE3320/Dropbox-Assignment . That code will read a file, place the data into blocks,
then open a new file and write those blocks to a new file.
Compile it with:
gcc block_copy_example.c -o fcopy
You can then run it by:
./fcopy <filename1> <filename2>
This code shows how to take a file, chop it up into block size chunks, store it in a “disk block”-like data
structure and then reform the file. This code does not look for free blocks. Modify it to select free blocks
if you use this code.