BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


C++代写 | OS-202-02 2020 Spring Lab 1—Linker Page 1

C++代写 | OS-202-02 2020 Spring Lab 1—Linker Page 1


OS-202-02 2020 Spring Lab 1—Linker Page 1
There are several sample input sets on the web. The first is shown below and the second is an re-formatted version of the
first. If you use the java Scanner or C’s scanf() inputs 1 and 2 should look the same to your program. Some of the input
sets contain errors that you are to detect as described above. We will run your lab on these (and other) input sets. The
expected output is also on NYU Classes. You need to match the format of the provided outputs.
1 xy 2
2 z 2 -1 xy 4 -1
5 10043 56781 20004 80023 70014
1 z 1 2 3 -1
6 80013 10004 10004 30004 10023 10102
1 z 1 -1
2 50013 40004
1 z 2
2 xy 2 -1 z 1 -1
3 80002 10014 20004
The following is output annotated for clarity and class discussion. Your output is not expected to be this fancy.
Symbol Table
Memory Map
0: 10042 1004+0 = 1004
1: 56781 5678
2: xy: 20004 ->z 2015
3: 80023 8002+0 = 8002
4: 70014 ->xy 7002
0 80013 8001+5 = 8006
1 10004 ->z 1015
2 10004 ->z 1015
3 30004 ->z 3015
4 10023 1002+5 = 1007
5 10102 1010
0 50013 5001+11= 5012
1 40004 ->z 4015
0 80002 8000
1 10014 ->z 1015
2 z: 20004 ->xy 2002

