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C++代写 | CS515 Assignment 9

C++代写 | CS515 Assignment 9

The included class templates are instantiated during the compilation and then compiled with the
driver. The class templates cannot be compiled individually.
The map.h file provides declarations for all the methods that need to be implemented. In particular,
the following are required:
• A Map iterator that supports one-directional (++) iteration. The Map is implemented as a
sorted container so the iterator traverses all elements in order. Note that the container is a
right-threaded tree that uses a dummy root sentinel.
• An erase() method to remove an element from the Map. The method removes an existing
node while maintaining the structure of the underlying threaded tree. This operation could be
tricky to code, as you don’t want to “break” the thread while removing a node. One approach
to do this is to consider the following four cases of node removal: removing a node with no
child links, with left child link only, with right child link only and two children links.
You must implement the map erase() method following the “delete by swapping algorithm”
used in Assignment 7. (The node to be deleted is swapped with its successor.)
• An assignment operator that produces a deep copy of the threaded tree.
You should not modify the header map.h file, and the map.cpp file should only include the map.h
header file during early testing (before you turn it into a template).
The test cases used for Assignment 7 can be reused with minor modification and expanded. You just
need to create a template instantiation rather than using an actual class. You should be sure to add test
cases for testing iterator traversals. Make sure to test thoroughly with your own additional test cases
before submission. Note that we will not be grading your tests directly this time.
Note that although the starter code is given in a templated version, it is highly recommended to start
your implementation with a non-templated threaded BST tree, and later transform the code into a
template. This will help you avoid template-class-related compile time errors and focus on the logic of
the tree operations first. You may want to keep a non-templated version of the assignment around as
well, in case a later assignment builds off of this code!
• Submit map.cpp.
• You should also fill out the README file and submit it as well. Submit the following files to the
appropriate assignment on Mimir:
map.cpp README
• Do not turn in executables or object code. Programs that produce compile time errors or
warnings will receive a zero mark (even if it might work perfectly on your home computer).
• Be sure to provide comments in your program. You must include the information as the section
of comments below:
/** CS515 Assignment 9
File: XXX.cpp
Name: XXX
Section: X
Date: XXX
Collaboration Declaration: assistance received from TA, PAC etc.

