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C++代写 | COMP 2404 – Assignment #1

C++代写 | COMP 2404 – Assignment #1

这个作业是编写一个C ++程序来管理银行的客户及其银行帐户

COMP 2404 – Assignment #1

For this assignment, you will write a C++ program to manage the customers of a bank and their bank accounts,
and your program will process debit and credit transactions to those accounts. You will practice writing correctly designed code with simple classes in C++, as well as working with dynamically allocated memory.
3.1. Implement the Account class
You will begin by creating a new class called Account. For simplicity, you can start with an existing class
from the in-class coding examples posted in cuLearn. For example, you can use the Book class from
section 1.5, program #4, but you will have to make all appropriate changes, including renaming the
class and the files.
The Account class will contain the following data members:
3.1.1. the account number, which will be a integer
3.1.2. the account balance, which will be a float
3.1.3. the owner of the account, which will be a pointer to a Customer object; we will be creating the
Customer class in a future step
The Account class will contain the following member functions:
3.1.4. a default constructor that takes an account number and balance as parameters, and initializes all
the data members; make sure to specify default values for the parameters
3.1.5. a getter function for the account number
3.1.6. a setter function for the Customer pointer
3.1.7. a bool debit(float) function that takes an amount as parameter, and deducts that amount from
the account balance; this function returns true if no errors occurred, and false otherwise
3.1.8. a bool credit(float) function that takes an amount as parameter, and adds that amount to the
account balance; this function returns true if no errors occurred, and false otherwise
3.1.9. a void print() function that prints to the screen all the account information, including the customer
id of the account owner

3.2. Implement the Customer class
You will implement a new Customer class that contains the following data members:
3.2.1. the customer id, which will be a integer
3.2.2. the customer name, which will be a C++ standard library string object
3.2.3. the collection of the bank accounts owned by the customer
(a) this will be a statically allocated array of Account object pointers
(b) you will define a preprocessor constant for the maximum number of accounts; this can be set to
a reasonable number such as 16
(c) you can refer to the coding example in section 1.6, program #5, for examples of the four different
kinds of arrays
3.2.4. the current number of accounts in the array
The Customer class will contain the following member functions:
3.2.5. a default constructor that takes a customer id and name as parameters, and initializes all the data
members necessary
(a) it is not necessary to initialize each array element to null, since your code should never access
any element beyond the current number of accounts
(b) it is bad form to initialize data members in the class definition; you must do this in the body of
the constructor instead
3.2.6. a getter function for the customer id
3.2.7. a bool addAcct(Account*) function that adds the given account to the back (the end) of the accounts array; this function returns true if no errors occurred, and false otherwise
3.2.8. a void print() function that prints to the screen all the customer information, including all the
information for each of the customer’s accounts; using correct design principles, this function must
call an existing function on each Account object
Note: The Customer and Account classes have a bidirectional association between them, which means
that each instance of one class has one or more instances of the other class. This creates a circular
dependency between the two class header files that requires a special technique to resolve. You can
specify #include “Customer.h” in your Account header file, and then use a forward reference such
as class Account; at the top of your Customer header file. Please note that, while your code will not
compile with a #include “Account.h” statement in your Customer header file, you will likely have to
specify that #include statement in your Customer source file.
3.3. Implement the CustArray class
You will implement a new CustArray collection class. The only job of any collection class is to hold data
and provide operations to manage the data in the collection. Any data-specific operations (in this case,
Customer specific operations) will not be implemented inside the collection class, but in the data class
(Customer) instead.
Your CustArray class will contain the following data members:
3.3.1. the elements in the collection
(a) this will be a statically allocated array of Customer object pointers
(b) you will define a preprocessor constant for the maximum number of customers; this can be set
to a reasonable number such as 64
(c) you can refer to the coding example in section 1.6, program #5, for examples of the four different
kinds of arrays
3.3.2. the current number of elements in the collection
Your CustArray class will contain the following member functions:
3.3.3. a default constructor that initializes the data members necessary
3.3.4. a destructor that deallocates the dynamically allocated customers contained in the array
3.3.5. a bool add(Customer*) function that adds the given customer to the back of the array; this function
returns true if no errors occurred, and false otherwise
©2020 Christine Laurendeau COMP 2404 :: Fall 2020 :: Assignment #1 2/5
3.3.6. a void find(int id, Customer** c) function that searches the array for the customer with the id
specified in parameter id, and returns that customer pointer using parameter c; you must use the
parameter to return this data; do not use the return value
3.3.7. a void print() function that prints to the screen every Customer object contained in the array;
using correct design principles, this function must call an existing function on each Customer object
3.4. Implement the Bank class
You will implement a new Bank class that stores two master collections: one collection with all the customers in the bank, and one with all the accounts.
The Bank class will contain the following data members:
3.4.1. the bank name, stored as a string
3.4.2. the collection of customers in the bank, stored as a CustArray object
3.4.3. the collection of accounts in the bank, stored as a statically allocated array of Account pointers
3.4.4. the current number of accounts in the accounts array
The Bank class will contain the following member functions:
3.4.5. a default constructor that takes a bank name as parameter, and initializes the necessary data members
3.4.6. a destructor that deallocates the dynamically allocated accounts contained in the accounts array
3.4.7. a bool addCust(Customer*) function that reuses an existing function to add the given customer
to the customers array; the function returns true if the customer was successfully added, and false
3.4.8. a bool addAcct(int custId, Account* acct) function that does the following:
(a) find the customer owner of the account, which is the Customer object with the given customer
id; if the customer owner is not found, the account cannot be added
(b) perform all relevant error checking
(c) add the given account to the back of the bank’s accounts array
(d) add the given account to the customer owner’s accounts array
(e) set the given account’s owner to the customer owner object
(f) return true if the account was successfully added, and false otherwise
3.4.9. a bool debit(int acctNum, float amount) function that finds the Account object corresponding
to the given account number, and debits the given amount from that account
3.4.10. a bool credit(int acctNum, float amount) function that finds the Account object corresponding
to the given account number, and credits the given amount to that account
3.4.11. a void print() function that prints all the accounts and all the customers in the bank
Note #1: You must use correct design principles in the implementation of all the above functions. This
means that you must reuse existing functions everywhere possible, and perform all error checking.
Note #2: Do not implement any addtional getter or setter functions, as these are not necessary. However, you may implement other, additional “helper” functions as needed.
3.5. Write the main() function
Your main() function must test your program thoroughly. To do so, it will declare a bank object with
an appropriate name, it will initialize several different customers and accounts, it will process several
transactions (debits and credits) to different accounts, and it will print the bank data to the screen.
Your program will use two global functions to initialize the bank data and to process transactions. You
will use the void initBank(Bank&) and void processTransactions(Bank&) global functions that are
posted in cuLearn in the file.
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Your main() function will do the following:
3.5.1. declare a bank object with an appropriate name
3.5.2. initialize the bank data by calling the initBank() function provided in the posted code
3.5.3. print out the bank data, including all account and customer information
3.5.4. perform some banking transactions by calling the processTransactions() function provided in the
posted code
3.5.5. print out the bank data again
3.6. Packaging
Every assignment in this course is required to follow the conventional packaging rules for Unix-based
3.6.1. Your code must be correctly separated into header and source files, as seen in class.
3.6.2. You must provide a Makefile that compiles and links all your code into a working executable.
(a) do not use a generic Makefile; it must be specific to this program
3.6.3. You must provide a README file that contains a preamble (program author, purpose, list of source,
header, data files), as well as compiling and launching instructions.
3.6.4. Do not submit any additional files, including object files, executables, or supplementary files or
directories (macOS users must remove their additional hidden directories).
3.7. Test the program
You must provide code that tests your program thoroughly. For this program, the use of the provided
global functions will be sufficient. Specifically:
3.7.1. Make sure that the data you provide exercises all your functions thoroughly. Failure to do this will
result in major deductions, even if the program appears to be working correctly.
3.7.2. Check that the bank information is correct when it is printed at the end of the program.
3.7.3. Make sure that all dynamically allocated memory is explicitly deallocated when it is no longer used.
Use valgrind to check for memory leaks.
4. Constraints
Your program must comply with all the rules of correct software engineering that we have learned during the
lectures, including but not restricted to:
4.1. The code must be written in C++98, and it must compile and execute in the default course VM. It must
not require the installation of libraries or packages or any software not already provided in the default

