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C++代写 | Assignment 2: Operating Systems (3004_7064 Combined)

C++代写 | Assignment 2: Operating Systems (3004_7064 Combined)

本次澳洲代写是一个C++ CPU调度算法模拟的assignment


Consider a single person arcade game machine located in a shopping centre. While many
customers wish to play, there is only one machine, so it is a shared resource. Customers willing to
play arrive at random times and if the machine is occupied, they need to wait. This is a very
advanced shopping centre and the use of the machine is facilitated by a robot manager
(programmed by you!). In particular, the robot may decide that a customer is playing for too long
and ask the customer to release the machine and move back to the waiting queue.

Based on the membership with the gaming company, there are two customer priorities: high for
members and regular for non-members. Also, to facilitate scheduling, each customer must
declare how many time units they will be playing for in total. Once a customer spends this amount
of time at the machine (in one or multiple sessions), they leave.

You need to write a program that decides which customer should be playing when.

Data Format

An input data file is a simulated list of arriving customers. Input data files will be named
“data_*.txt”, where asterisk will be replaced by a random number (not relevant for you). Each row
in such a file describes customer ID, priority (0 for high, 1 for regular), arrival time, and the
desired amount of play time.


c00 0 6 23
c01 1 20 13
c02 1 28 17
c03 1 38 28

In the first line, customer c00 arrived at time 6. This customer is a member and has a high priority.
This customer wishes to play for 23 units of time in total. Note that 0 denotes high priority, while 1
denotes regular priority.

An output data file is a log of machine usage as a result of a particular scheduling approach. For a
given input file, an output file can be generated either using a program in “baseline.cpp”
(provided) or your program in “scheduler.cpp” (your submission). Each such output file is also
called a scheduling.

Each row of the output file describes who was occupying the machine at a particular time slot
(starting from 0). If the machine was not occupied, the row will list -1, otherwise it will show
customer ID (without letter “c”).


0 -1
1 -1
2 -1
3 -1
4 -1
5 -1
6 0
7 0

In this example, the machine was unoccupied in time slots 0, …, 5. Then starting from time slot 6,
the machine was used by customer 0.

Valid Scheduling

If a customer arrives at time X, it can start occupying the machine starting from time slot X, but
not earlier

If a customer wishes to play for N time slots, the total number of time slots occupied by that
customer in the output must be N

Play time demand must be satisfied as above for every customer in the input file

There not need to be a gap between customers, two consecutive time slots can be occupied
by two different customers

The output file must not contain customers that were not present in the input

The output file must list all time frames sequentially, starting from 0. There should be no time
gaps. The output must cover enough time frames to satisfy demand of all customers

The last time slot in your scheduling should be after all customers are satisfied, and it should
denote an empty machine (-1 as customer ID)

If the above conditions are satisfied, the scheduling is considering valid. However, some valid
scheduling are better than others (see below)


You need to write a program that takes an input data file and generates an output file with a valid
scheduling for this input. Implement your program in a single file named “scheduler.cpp”. Your
program should be a standalone console based application requiring exactly two command line
arguments: name of the input file and name of the output file.

For example, suppose that your program is compiled into ./scheduler, and you also have

./data_1111.txt in the current directory. Then
> ./scheduler data_1111.txt out_1111.txt
should produce out_1111.txt in this directory, and this file should describe a valid scheduling
with respect to input in data_1111.txt. For example, demand of each customer in
data_1111.txt must be satisfied in out_1111.txt.

