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C++代写|OS-202 Lab1 shell Lab

C++代写|OS-202 Lab1 shell Lab


1 Introduction

You should reread section 1.6.1 of the class-notes.

In this lab you will implement (in C or C++) an extremely limited shell (a.k.a. a coommand line
interpreter). (All 202 labs must be written in C/C++.) Your shell will read a command name from the
terminal and, depending on the command, either

1. Directly implement the command if it is built into your shell. A list of commands you are to build
into your shell and their meaning is given below. I sometimes refer to these as the simple commands
or the type 1 commands.

2. For commands not built into your shell, invoke the four main Unix system calls for process man
agement, namely fork(), execve(), wait(), and exit to have the (Unix) operating system on implement the command for you. I sometimes refer to the non-simple
commands as internal commands since the real implementation is internal to Unix. I also some
times call them type 2 commands. Some type 2 commands you should test are dir, echo, and

For simplicity, I have chosen the commands you are to implement, be they type 1 or 2, to be ones that
take no arguments.

2 High Level Pseudocode

Loop {
Obtain a command name from the user
Replace command’s trailing newline with a ’\0’
If (command is type 1)
Implement the command directly
else // the fun begins {
parentOrChild = fork() // now your lab has two!! processes running
if (parentOrChild == 0) { // code executed by the child process
// Calculate arguments for execve() and execute it
// The execve’ed command exits }
else // code executed by the parent process
wait() // parent waits for child to exit

3 Some Details

3.1 Obtaining a Command from the User

• You may assume the command name is given on one line and does not exceed 50 characters.

• I suggest using fgets() to read the command name, but you need not follow this suggestion.

• You may assume the command is just one word. In particular, the user’s command will not contain
any arguments.

• I suggest that your program replaces the trailing ’\n’. at the end of the line with an ascii NULL

3.2 Type 1 Commands Your shell is to Implement

• hello: Respond by printing a friendly greeting.
• bye: Acknowledge the command and terminate the run.
• assignment: Print \202 lab #1 (Spring 2022)”.
• author: Print your name, your N-number, and your netid.
• section: Print \002″ or \003″ as appropriate.

3.3 Arguments to execve()

execve() takes three arguments, which you must supply. They are

1. The directory where the executable is located. For this lab the directory is always /bin (and hence
the executable itself has address the command name given by the user prepended with /bin/. This
is a simplification. Not all commands are in /bin; many are in /usr/bin/ and some are in other

2. The \name” and arguments for the executable. Specifically, the second argument is argv from 201.
It is an array of character pointers. The first pointer points to the program name the user entered.
The second (and last) pointer is NULL because each user program in this lab has no arguments.

3. The environment pointer. For lab #1, the environment pointer is always NULL. This is another

3.4 The &status() Argument to wait()

You should declare status as an int and include &status as an argument to wait(). However, you
need not process the status result.

