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C++代写|COSC1076 Assignment 2 Implementing Scrabble

C++代写|COSC1076 Assignment 2 Implementing Scrabble



1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

In this assignment you will implement a 2-player text-based version of the Board Game Scrabble.

For an explanation of the rules and gameplay:

  • Rules explanation of full game:
  • Rules: Available at (

However, this assignment will use a modified version of the rules, detailed in Section 2.5.

In this assignment you will:

  • Practice the programming skills covered throughout this course, such as:


Linked Lists


Dynamic Memory Management

File Processing

Program State Management

Exception Handling

  • Practice the use of testing
  • Implement a medium size C++ program:

Use features of C++14

Use elements of the C++ STL

  • Work as a team

Use group collaboration tools

This assignment is divided into four Milestones:

  • Milestone 1 (Group work): Test Cases, to be developed to ensure your Scrabble implementation is correct.
  • Milestone 2 (Group work): A fully functioning implementation of the base Scrabble game play, which pass Milestone 1 tests. The group work (milestone 1 & 2) is worth 30% of the course mark. The group component (M1 & M2) is due 11.59pm, Friday 13 May 2022 (Week 10).
  • Milestone 3 (Individual work): You will individually extend upon your group’s implementation with additional functionality (called enhancements). The individual work is worth 15% of the course mark.

The individual component (M3) is due 11.59pm, Friday 27 May 2022 (Week 12).

  • Milestone 4: Written report & demostration. The report analysing the design and implementation of your software, and the use of your test cases. You will demonstrate your group and individual work. This is where your final work will be graded. The report is due 11.59pm, Friday 27 May 2022 (Week 12).

Group Progress Update (Group work): Your group will provide regular updates on your progress in this assignment to your tutor during your weekly lab classes. This will require your group to have completed a list of activities. Group Progress Update will not be marked directly, however, this will influence the final grade.

For an explanation of the rules and gameplay:

  • Rules explanation of full game:
  • Rules: Available at (

However, this assignment will use a modified version of the rules, detailed in Section 2.5.

In this assignment you will:

  • Practice the programming skills covered throughout this course, such as:


Linked Lists


Dynamic Memory Management

File Processing

Program State Management

Exception Handling

  • Practice the use of testing
  • Implement a medium size C++ program:

Use features of C++14

Use elements of the C++ STL

  • Work as a team

Use group collaboration tools

This assignment is divided into four Milestones:

  • Milestone 1 (Group work): Test Cases, to be developed to ensure your Scrabble implementation is correct.
  • Milestone 2 (Group work): A fully functioning implementation of the base Scrabble game play, which pass Milestone 1 tests. The group work (milestone 1 & 2) is worth 30% of the course mark. The group component (M1 & M2) is due 11.59pm, Friday 13 May 2022 (Week 10).
  • Milestone 3 (Individual work): You will individually extend upon your group’s implementation with additional functionality (called enhancements). The individual work is worth 15% of the course mark.

The individual component (M3) is due 11.59pm, Friday 27 May 2022 (Week 12).

  • Milestone 4: Written report & demostration. The report analysing the design and implementation of your software, and the use of your test cases. You will demonstrate your group and individual work. This is where your final work will be graded. The report is due 11.59pm, Friday 27 May 2022 (Week 12).

Group Progress Update (Group work): Your group will provide regular updates on your progress in this assignment to your tutor during your weekly lab classes. This will require your group to have completed a list of activities. Group Progress Update will not be marked directly, however, this will influence the final grade.

$ ./scrabble

On launch, the program should display a welcome message:

Welcome to Scrabble!


Following the welcome message, the program should continue to the main menu.


Main Menu

The main menu shows the options of your Scrabble program. By default there should be 4 options. The menu is followed by the user prompt.



  1. New Game
  2. Load Game
  3. Credits (Show student information)
  4. Quit


The user selects an option by typing a number, and pressing enter. Each menu option is described below. The user prompt is described in Section 2.4, including what to do for invalid input.


New Game

The program should:

  1. Print a message for starting a new game
  2. Ask for the player names
  3. Create a new game of Scrabble,
  4. Proceed with normal gameplay.

As an overview, this process may look like:

> 1

Starting a New Game

Enter a name for player 1 (uppercase characters only)

> <user enters name>

Enter a name for player 2 (uppercase characters only)

> <user enters name>

Let’s Play!

<normal gameplay continues from here>

The players should only consist of letters (no numbers or symbols). Your program should validate (check) that the player name is valid.

The Scrabble gameplay is described in Section 2.3. Make sure you take note of the requirements for starting a new game, described in Section 2.3.11.


Load Game

The program should first ask the user for a filename from which to load a game.

> 2

Enter the filename from which load a game


The user enters the relative path to the saved game file, and presses enter.

