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C++代写 | SIT102 Pass Task 7.1 Arrays and Structs

C++代写 | SIT102 Pass Task 7.1 Arrays and Structs


SIT102 Introduction to Programming
Pass Task 7.1: Arrays and Structs Overview
In this task you will continue to work on the knight database to help Camelot keep track of all of their knights. We can now add a kingdom struct to help work with and manage all of the knights in the kingdom.
Submission Details
Use the instructions on the following pages to create a small program that explores a more complex use of arrays and structures.
Submit the following files to OnTrack.
Your program code
A screen shot of your program running Answers to the accompanying questions.
The focus of this task is on the tools and approaches to working with more complex data using structs and dynamic arrays, with matching functions and procedures to help ease the coding efforts.

To get started:
1. Watch this week’s video on updating the Kingdom Database code with additional types and dynamic arrays, and make the changes shown there. See the Update Kingdom Database video for details.
Changes include:
A Kingdom struct with a vector of knights
An add_knight procedure to add a knight into the Kingdom
A write_kingdom procedure to output the details of the Kingdom and its knights A delete_knight procedure to delete a knight from the kingdom
2. Now make the following additional changes:
1. Add a select knight function.
Implement int select_knight(const kingdom_data &kingdom) This will:
Show the user a list of the names of the knights, and their index (from 1 to n)
Ask the user to enter the index of the knight they want to select (or 0 for no knight) Ensure the user has entered a valid index (i.e. an integer from 0 to n)
Return the index of a knight in the array (i.e. return the user supplied value – 1)
This function will be useful as a tool to select an individual knight from our array within the kingdom. You will then be able to pass this knight into the relevant functions/procedures where the actual work is performed. For example, to write a selected knight you could use:
int i;
i = select_knight(my_kingdom); // assuming we have a `my_kingdom` variable if ( i > 0 )
write_knight(my_kingdom.knights[i]); }
2. Create a new update_kingdom procedure which shows a menu to allow the user to choose between the different system actions: adding knights, query knight, deleting knights, and displaying details
Adding will use add knight
Query knight is a new procedure that will get the user to select a knight, and then write that knight’s details to the terminal
Deleting will need to be a new procedure – it can call select_knight and if the result is not -1, it can then use this in a call to delete_knight
Displaying will show the kingdom data – i.e. the name and all of the knights
3. Add quests to each knight.

For this step you will need to add a number of additional functions and procedures that are not explicitly listed here. Think about how you can best implement these features, and add appropriate functions and procedures to help with this.
Add a dynamic array of strings called quests to the Knight.
Change update_knight to include the ability to add a quest, and delete quest.
In add quest have the user enter the details of the new quest and add this to the knight’s current quests.
In delete quest have the user select a quest, and remove this from the knights quests.
Change write_knight to output the details of the knight’s quests in a list.
3. Answer the questions from the resources associated with this task. 4. Submit your program code along with a screenshot of it working.

