BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


3D建模代写|Assessment Task 3.3 : Model and Textures – INDIVIDUAL

3D建模代写|Assessment Task 3.3 : Model and Textures – INDIVIDUAL

这是一篇澳洲的three.js 3D场景建模计算机作业代写


Create a simple program to arrange 3D loaded models in a scenario (here’s a simple Rubric, but feel free to change the interaction.. I can pretty much understand when something nicer is happing in the code)


1.The submission is a copy-paste of in-class code. Most of the code is the same as we have seen in class, and the exercise looks very similar to the one in class.

2.Multiple models are managed and placed in the scene, but there is no placement interaction,and the positions are hardcoded.

3.Multiple models are managed and placed in the scene. There is the possibility of clicking and placing various objects, or some method distribute them randomly/procedurally (in a set of positions that makes sense) in the scene. Textures are included.

4.Multiple models are managed and placed in the scene. There is the possibility of clicking and placing various objects, or some method distribute them randomly/procedurally (in a set of positions that makes sense) in the scene. Textures are included.

5.Same as Score 4 but with a better rendering, possible management, and customization of light environment or additional algorithms coding the interaction between objects. For example (as an example of more complex interaction), the terrain is not flat (procedurally generated), and the objects are placed above the terrain.

●Please do not simply copy code from the lectures without understanding what is happening, make your own code!
●Submit a short video to show how it works!
●You can get some models from the websites suggested in Subject resources

