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软件工程代写|7CCSMASE Software Measurement and Testing

软件工程代写|7CCSMASE Software Measurement and Testing



1. (Functional testing, 20 marks)

a. Explain what Boehm curve is and how it can be used to suggest the
least costly process for testing. (5 marks)

b. Compare strong robust equivalence class testing with weak robust equiv
alence class testing. Specify their relative advantages and disadvantages.

When would you recommend using the robust strong method over the
other? (5 marks)

c. Consider a function with two integer inputs x and y, both ranging from
0 to 10. Assume that the domain of x and y can be partitioned into
3 partitions: [0; 3], [4; 6] [7; 10], in each of which the behaviour of the
software is supposed to be the same. Design a set of test-inputs to
satisfy normal weak equivalence-class-based testing. Explain how you
have come up with these test inputs. (10 marks)

2. (Structural testing, metrics, slicing and debugging, 60 marks)

Consider the following program and answer the subsequent questions.

1: read(x);
2: y := 10;
3: z := y;
4: while x < y do
5: x := x + 1;
6: y := y – x;
7: while ( (z div 4) < 3 ) do
8: z := z+ y;
9: end while
10: end while
11: y := 2 * x
12: write(y);

In this program div is the integer division operator.

a. Draw the flow graph of this program. (10 marks)

b. Draw the decision-to-decision (DD) graph of the program.(5 marks)

Explain why it is useful to consider a DD path graph in measuring cov
erage. (5 marks)

