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软件安全代写|COMP6236 Assignment: Buffer Overflow Attacks and Software Hijacking

软件安全代写|COMP6236 Assignment: Buffer Overflow Attacks and Software Hijacking



Submission Instructions

Please use the template provided and submit using Turnitin on the module blackboard page.

Purpose of this assignment

The assignment is designed to have a balance between knowledge and application. It maps to the following aims and objectives of COMP6236.

Subject Specifific Practical Skills

D1. Identify security weaknesses in software systems and applications D2. Undertake basic reverse engineering of software

Knowledge and Understanding

A1. Common issues affffecting the security of software systems A2. Software analysis A3. Reverse Engineering of Software

Transferable and Generic Skills

C1. Recognise software vulnerabilities and protection in a range of application domains

Subject Specifific Intellectual and Research Skills

B1. Describe specifific methods for exploiting software systems

Part 1

This part is on buffffer overflflow attacks, which is based on Lab 1. You will be assessed on your ability to successfully exploit buffffer overflflow. This part contains 4 flflags. Once you complete each challenge,you will need to submit the your flflag, the entry point and the exploit you used. The marks for this are broken down as follows:

1 Mark For each flflag.

1 Mark: For explaining each entry point.

1 Mark: For each exploit.

Part one is worth 12% of the module mark.


Unlike the previous lab setup, this time we will have to use an OVA image. Please download the VM from here, and import it into Virtualbox.

  1. You need to go File Host Network Manager and make a host network if one doesn’t exist already.
  2. Make sure DHCP enabled is ticked as illustrated in Figure 1 or vm will hang at boot forever.
  3. Then go to VM network settings and check it’s set to that host only network, and specify the network you created or the one that exists.
  1. Wait for the VM to boot, and on boot login with User: info and Password: info to see the current IP address printed.
