BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


数据库代写|Responsive Web Design (ID6501)

数据库代写|Responsive Web Design (ID6501)




The ID6501 project involves the design and implementation of a website for a small business (such as car sale, real estate, online shop, etc). The business may be your own or that of a friend, an actual business or an imaginary one. The approval of your tutor is required If you wish to work on your own selected project.

The project of Online Clothes Sale is suggested for this course by your tutor. The Online Clothes Sale allows registered sellers to advertise their clothing in a website and buyers to search and buy clothes.

The project is divided into three sub-projects as following:

Project part-A: Analyzing website requirements, creating sitemap, wireframes and building first cross-browser compatible prototype of web pages by using HTML and CSS. The project part-A carries 30% of your final mark for the course. You have to work on this project individually.

Project part-B: Building responsive web pages, final visual design, dynamic contents, and database for website. This project is worth 30% of your final mark. You have to work on this project individually.

Project part-C: Storing users’ data, implementing login, search, update data functions, and handling session and reload. This project is worth 40% of your final mark. You have to work on this project individually.

Submission instructions

You are required to:

  • present your project through ZOOM platform and
  • submit softcopy of your project files as a zip file through the Moodle website. Deadline is 5pm, 2ndMay 2022.

Learning progression

Assessment Learning Outcomes Course work marks
Project part A LO1. Evaluate the design and architecture of a web or mobile application.

LO2. Plan a website and organise information effectively.

LO3. Describe and apply design principles and process to create a website utilising web standards from bodies such as W3C.

Project part B  

LO4. Use a variety of strategies and technologies to create websites.

LO5. Create and evaluate responsive web interface designs that adjust to a range of screen sizes and or devices.


Project part C LO4. Use a variety of strategies and technologies to create websites.

LO5. Create and evaluate responsive web interface designs that adjust to a range of screen sizes and or devices.


  Total 100%

Project Part-B Guidelines

A.Seller Registration

Seller Registration allows the system to validate the seller details.  This page should prompt sellers to fill a form with fields for:

  1. Name: Only alphabetical letters and space.
  2. Address: Only alphanumeric characters and space
  3. Phone number: The phone number should be a New Zealand phone number.
  4. Email address: Assume that email addresses must end either .my, .com, or .net. It must contain the character @ exactly once.
  5. Username: must consist of at least 6 alphanumeric characters.
  6. Password: must consist of at least 6 alphanumeric characters.

B.Seller Page

This page should provide the following links for the sellers to manage the advertisement of their clothes after successfully logging in:

Add Clothing – This page should request seller to fill in the form with field for:

  1. Gender: Only women or men
  2. Category: alphabetical letters
  3. Condition: Only used or new
  4. Color: alphabetical letters
  5. Size: alphabetical letters
  6. Brand: alphanumeric characters
  7. Location: Only alphabetical letters and space.
  8. Price: numeric

C.Update contact

The system must send back notification if any field is empty.

D.Car Search Page

The system must send back notification if any field is empty.

E.Dynamic content

  • The background color of each form input must change to yellow when it is selected.
  • Background color of each form input must change to white when user leaves input field.
  • Background color of each button must change to light blue when the mouse pointer is moving onto a button.
  • Text color of navigation bar elements must change to green when the mouse pointer is moving onto them.


Create a database to store sellers’ registration and added clothes information.

G.Responsive website

Build responsive web interface designs that adjust to a range of screen sizes and devices (Desktop, Tablet, and mobile phone). You need to use at least three media queries.

Marking Scheme

Task A: Form input validation for Seller Registration (weightage 5%)

Task B: Form input validation for Add Clothes (weightage 3%)

Task C: Form input validation for Search Clothes (weightage 1%)

Task D: Form input validation for Update Form (weightage 1%)

Task E: Add dynamic content (weightage 10%)

Task F: Create Database (weightage 5%)

Task G: Make website responsive (weightage 5%)

Note: More details of marking scheme will be uploaded into Moodle later.

Assessment of Project Part-B

Marks will be allocated for:

  • Original content
  • Original dynamic content
  • Responsive website
  • Appropriate and useful content


The ID6501 (Project part-A, Project part-B and Project part-C) is worth the total mark for this course. The ID6501 includes three progressive assessment points through laboratory demonstrations and a final submission. You are required to use what you will have learned throughout the whole course.

Note:  Students caught plagiarizing content and/or design will be given a mark of zero (0); at any or all stages of the assessment points!

