BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


密码学代写 | Term Project Assignment Proposal

密码学代写 | Term Project Assignment Proposal


“A good developer always reads the requirements at least 11 times! Ahmad Y”

Project Objective

You are going to study an existing paper in cryptology, write a summary, implement it by using CryptoUtil, and present it at the end of the semester.

The topic can be any cipher system that is not covered in this course. For the list of cipher systems that would be covered in this course, please refer to the Greensheet.

The project has 4 milestones: Proposal, Summary, Implementation, and Presentation that will be announced accordingly during the semester.

Proposal Description

1. Research and find your favorite cryptology topic and write a proposal.

A template has been uploaded in the Canvas at:

Files/Term Project/F21-CS265-Proposal-Template.docx

• Abstraction: A brief description about the paper

• References

• Project Schedule: Break down the project into tasks per weeks

2. Submit your proposal to get my approval before starting the other parts.

What to Submit

1. Download the template provided in the Canvas

2. Rename the file to LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME-Proposal.docx and fill it out accordingly

(e.g., Yazdankhah-Ahmad-Proposal.docx if I submit the file)

3. Upload it to the Canvas before the due time

Note: if you resubmit your file several times, Canvas adds a number at the end of your file name. I won’t consider that number as the file name.

Rubrics (50 Points)

• Filling out all rows of the project’s ID table (paper’s title, author(s), …) (10 points)

• Abstraction (25 points)

• Project’s references (5 points)

• Project’s schedule (10 points)

• Wrong file name (-10 points)

© Ahmad Yazdankhah

General Hints

1. Always read the requirements at least 10 times!

2. Read the requirement one more time right before submitting your work to make sure that nothing is missed. (Overall, 11 times!)

3. Always set the due date for yourself at least 2-3 days before the official due date.

4. After submitting your work, always download it back and re-open it to make sure that the process of submission was fine.

5. For late submission policy, please refer to the Greensheet.

6. This will be very nonprofessional and unacceptable behavior if you ask someone to make an exception for you.

7. Always make sure that you have the latest version of this document. Sometimes, based on your questions and feedbacks, I might need to add some clarifications. If there is a new version, it will be announced via Canvas.

8. If there is any ambiguity, question, or concern, please open a discussion in Canvas.

