BEST代写-线上留学生作业代写 & 论文代写专家


安卓APP代写 | 159.336 Assignment 3

安卓APP代写 | 159.336 Assignment 3


For this assignment you need to write an Android app. You can write any application you like, there are no restrictions on what
your application can do but it should be well written and not offensive. You might want to write an app that would be useful to
yourself or your friends and family.

Marks will be awarded for interesting applications that make good use of the Android platform and behave well with other
apps (your app must release resources when not using them). Your app must not have been written for another course or before
you started 159336 but if you have existing code, you can incorporate it into your app. If you do this, make it clear in a
comment exactly what code you wrote for this assignment. Your app must not be plagiarized in any way but you are allowed to
use external libraries. If you use an external library, make sure this is clear in your comments. You can not use a complete third
party framework such as a game engine.

Your application should work on the emulator but I may also test it on a real device if necessary. If you think it will be difficult
to show how the app works on the emulator you can also submit a link to a video of the app running.

Submit your assignment on Stream. You must submit a zip file containing a clean source tree. To do this, use “File..Export to
Zip File…”. You do not need to submit an apk. Marks will be deducted for zip files which do not build correctly.

This assignment can be submitted in groups of up to 3 students, all members of the group must submit the same zip file and
must add a submission comment giving the id of the other students in the group. A group submission should be proportionally
more work and have more code than an individual submission. If you have any doubts about whether your idea is enough work
for a group submission send me an email. If you think one member of the group did less work than others, say this in a
submission comment. Use comments in your code as documentation. Marks will be subtracted for plagiarism, late submission
and bad documentation.

All rights to your app for this assignment belong to you or your group and you are free to publish it on the Google Play Store if
you wish.

This assignment is worth 20% of the total marks for the course.

